648.59—Sea Scallop Access Areas.

Point Latitude Longitude
DMV1 38°10′ N. 74°50′ W.
DMV2 38°10′ N. 74°00′ W.
Code of Federal Regulations 529
DMV3 37°15′ N. 74°00′ W.
DMV4 37°15′ N. 74°50′ W.
DMV1 38°10′ N. 74°50′ W.
(3) Number of trips— (i) Limited access vessels. Based on its permit category, a vessel issued a limited access scallop permit may fish no more than the maximum number of trips in the Delmarva Access Area as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(i), unless the vessel owner has made an exchange with another vessel owner whereby the vessel gains a Delmarva Access Area trip and gives up a trip into another Sea Scallop Access Area, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(ii), or unless the vessel is taking a compensation trip for a prior Delmarva Access Area trip that was terminated early, as specified in § 648.60(c). Additionally, limited access full-time scallop vessels are restricted in the number of trips that may be taken from June 15 through August 31, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(i)(B) (1 ). The number of trips allocated to limited access vessels in the Delmarva Access Area shall be based on the TAC for the access area, which shall be determined through the annual framework process and specified in paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section. The 2010 Delmarva Access Area scallop TAC for limited access scallop vessels is 5,394,485 lb (2,447 mt), after accounting for applicable set-asides and LAGC IFQ TAC.
Point Latitude Longitude
CAIA1 41°26′ N. 68°30′ W.
CAIA2 41°09′ N. 68°30′ W.
CAIA3 41°4.54′ N. 69°0.9′ W.
CAIA1 41°26′ N. 68°30′ W.
(5) Number of trips— (i) Limited access vessels. Based on its permit category, a vessel issued a limited access scallop permit may fish no more than the maximum number of trips in the Closed Area I Access Area, unless the vessel owner has made an exchange with another vessel owner whereby the vessel gains a Closed Area I Access Area trip and gives up a trip into another Sea Scallop Access Area, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(ii), or unless the vessel is taking a compensation trip for a prior Closed Area I Access Area trip that was terminated early, as specified in § 648.60(c). The number of trips allocated to limited access vessels in the Closed Area I Access Area shall be based on the TAC for the access area, which will be determined through the annual framework process and specified in this paragraph (b)(5)(i). Closed Area I Access Area is closed to limited access vessels for the 2010 fishing year.
(B) The Regional Administrator shall notify all LAGC scallop vessels of the date when the maximum number of allowed trips for the applicable fishing year have been, or are projected to be, taken by providing notification in the Federal Register, in accordance with § 648.60(g)(4). Except as provided in paragraph (b)(5)(ii)(C) of this section, and subject to the seasonal restrictions specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, an LAGC scallop vessel may not fish for, possess, or land sea scallops in or from the Closed Area I Access Area, or enter the Closed Area I Access Area on a declared LAGC scallop trip after the effective date published in the Federal Register, unless transiting pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section.
(C) A vessel issued a NE Multispecies permit and a LAGC scallop permit that is fishing in an approved SAP under § 648.85 under multispecies DAS may fish in the Scallop Access Areas without being subject to the restrictions of paragraph (b)(5)(ii)(A) of this section, provided that it has not enrolled in the Scallop Area Access program. Such vessel is prohibited from fishing for, possessing, or landing scallops.
Point Latitude Longitude
CAIIA1 41°00′ N. 67°20′ W.
CAIIA2 41°00′ N. 66°35.8′ W.
CAIIA3 41°18.6′ N. 66°24.8′ W.
CAIIA4 41°30′ N. 66°34.8′ W.
CAIIA5 41°30′ N. 67°20′ W.
CAIIA1 41°00′ N. 67°20′ W.
(5) Number of trips— (i) Limited access vessels. Based on its permit category, a vessel issued a limited access scallop permit may fish no more than the maximum number of trips in the Closed Area II Access Area, unless the vessel owner has made an exchange with another vessel owner whereby the vessel gains a Closed Area II Access Area trip and gives up a trip into another Sea Scallop Access Area, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(ii), or unless the vessel is taking a compensation trip for a prior Closed Area II Access Area trip that was terminated early, as specified in § 648.60(c). The number of trips allocated to limited access vessels in the Closed Area II Access Area shall be based on the TAC for the access area, which will be determined through the annual framework process and specified in this paragraph (c)(5)(i). Closed Area II Access Area is closed to limited access vessels for the 2010 fishing year.
(B) The Regional Administrator shall notify all LAGC scallop vessels of the date when the maximum number of allowed trips for the applicable fishing year have been, or are projected to be, taken by providing notification in the Federal Register, in accordance with § 648.60(g)(4). Except as provided in paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(C) of this section, and subject to the seasonal restrictions specified in paragraph (c)(4) of this section, an LAGC scallop vessel may not fish for, possess, or land sea scallops in or from the Closed Area II Access Area, or enter the Closed Area II Access Area on a declared LAGC scallop trip after the effective date published in the Federal Register, unless transiting pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section.
(C) A vessel issued a NE Multispecies permit and an LAGC scallop permit that is fishing in an approved SAP under § 648.85 under multispecies DAS may fish in the Scallop Access Areas without being subject to the restrictions of paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(A) of this section, provided that it has not enrolled in the Scallop Area Access program. Such vessel is prohibited from fishing for, possessing, or landing scallops.
Point Latitude Longitude
NLSA1 40°50′ N. 69°00′ W.
NLSA2 40°30′ N. 69°00′ W.
NLSA3 40°30′ N. 69°14.5′ W.
NLSA4 40°50′ N. 69°29.5′ W.
NLAA1 40°50′ N. 69°00′ W.
(5) Number of trips— (i) Limited access vessels. Based on its permit category, a vessel issued a limited access scallop permit may fish no more than the maximum number of trips in the Nantucket Lightship Access Area, unless the vessel owner has made an exchange with another vessel owner whereby the vessel gains a Nantucket Lightship Access Area trip and gives up a trip into another Sea Scallop Access Area, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(ii), or unless the vessel is taking a compensation trip for a prior Nantucket Lightship Access Area trip that was terminated early, as specified in § 648.60(c). The number of trips allocated to limited access vessels in the Nantucket Lightship Access Area shall be based on the TAC for the access area. The 2010 Nantucket Lightship Access Area scallop TAC for limited access scallop vessels is 5,399,985 lb (2,449 mt), after accounting for set-asides applicable and LAGC IFQ TAC to the Nantucket Lightship Access Area.
(B) Based on the TAC specified in paragraph (d)(5)(ii)(A) of this section, LAGC scallop vessels are allocated 714 trips to the Nantucket Lightship Access Area in fishing year 2010. This fleet-wide trip allocation applies to both LAGC IFQ vessels and limited access vessels with LAGC IFQ permits that are fishing under the provisions of the LAGC IFQ permit. The Regional Administrator shall notify all LAGC IFQ scallop vessels of the date when 714 trips have been, or are projected to be, taken by providing notification in the Federal Register, in accordance with § 648.60(g)(4). Except as provided in paragraph (d)(5)(ii)(C) of this section, an LAGC IFQ scallop vessel may not fish for, possess, or land sea scallops in or from the Nantucket Lightship Access Area, or enter the Nantucket Lightship Access Area on a declared LAGC IFQ scallop trip after the effective date published in the Federal Register, unless transiting pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section.
(C) A vessel issued a NE Multispecies permit and an LAGC scallop permit that is fishing in an approved SAP under § 648.85 under multispecies DAS may fish in the Scallop Access Areas without being subject to the restrictions of paragraph (d)(5)(ii)(A) of this section, provided that it has not enrolled in the Scallop Area Access program. Such vessel is prohibited from fishing for, possessing, or landing scallops.
Point Latitude Longitude
ETAA1 38°50′ N. 74°20′ W.
ETAA2 38°10′ N. 74°20′ W.
ETAA3 38°10′ N. 73°30′ W.
ETAA4 38°50′ N. 73°30′ W.
ETAA1 38°50′ N. 74°20′ W.
(4) Number of trips— (i) Limited access vessels. Based on its permit category, a vessel issued a limited access scallop permit may fish no more than the maximum number of trips in the Elephant Trunk Sea Scallop Access Area between March 1, 2010, and February 28, 2011, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(i), unless the vessel owner has made an exchange with another vessel owner whereby the vessel gains an Elephant Trunk Sea Scallop Access Area trip and gives up a trip into another Sea Scallop Access Area, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(ii), or unless the vessel is taking a compensation trip for a prior Elephant Trunk Access Area trip that was terminated early, as specified in § 648.60(c). Additionally, full-time scallop vessels are restricted in the number of trips that may be taken from June 15 through August 31, as specified in § 648.60(a)(3)(i)(B) (1 ). The 2010 Elephant Trunk Access Area scallop TAC for limited access scallop vessels is 10,406,727 lb (4,720 mt), after accounting for applicable set-asides and LAGC IFQ TAC.
(f) Transiting. A sea scallop vessel that has not declared a trip into the Sea Scallop Area Access Program may enter the Sea Scallop Access Areas described in paragraphs (a), (b), (d), and (e), of this section, and possess scallops not caught in the Sea Scallop Access Areas, for transiting purposes only, provided the vessel's fishing gear is stowed in accordance with § 648.23(b). A scallop vessel that has declared a trip into the Sea Scallop Area Access Program may transit a Scallop Access Area while steaming to or from another Scallop Access Area, provided the vessel's fishing gear is stowed in accordance with § 648.23(b), or there is a compelling safety reason to be in such areas without such gear being stowed. A vessel may only transit the Closed Area II Access Area, as described in paragraph (c) of this section, if there is a compelling safety reason for transiting the area and the vessel's fishing gear is stowed in accordance with § 648.23(b).
[71 FR 33228, June 8, 2006, as amended at 73 FR 30807, May 29, 2008; 73 FR 30808, May 29, 2008; 73 FR 54736, Sept. 23, 2008; 75 FR 36571, June 28, 2010]