648.87—Sector allocation.

(a) Procedure for approving/implementing a sector allocation proposal. (1) Any person may submit a sector allocation proposal for a group of limited access NE multispecies vessels to the Council and request that the sector be implemented through either a biennial adjustment or framework adjustment, as specified in § 648.90(a)(2), as long as it is submitted at least 1 year prior to the date the sector wants to begin operations in accordance with the conditions and restrictions of this section. The sector allocation proposal must contain an appropriate analysis that assesses the impact of the proposed sector, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
(3) Eligibility. Any valid limited access NE multispecies permit, including a Handgear A permit and those permits held in confirmation of permit history pursuant to § 648.4(a)(1)(i)(J) as of May 1, 2008, is eligible to join a NE multispecies sector, provided the permit complies with the restrictions specified in this section. Any valid limited access Category A or B monkfish permit may be eligible to join a NE multispecies sector, as described in this section, pursuant to any measures adopted by a future revision to the Monkfish FMP by both the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils. Vessels that do not join a sector remain subject to the NE multispecies regulations for common pool vessels.
(B) Eastern GB stocks. Each sector allocated ACE for stocks managed under the terms of the U.S./Canada Resource Sharing Understanding in the Eastern U.S./Canada Area, as specified in § 648.85(a), shall be allocated a specific portion of the ACE for such stocks that can only be harvested from the Eastern U.S./Canada Area, as specified in § 648.85(a)(1). The ACE specified for the Eastern U.S./Canada Area portions of these stocks shall be proportional to the sector's allocation of the overall ACL available to all vessels issued a limited access NE multispecies permit for these stocks pursuant to § 648.90(a)(4). For example, if a sector is allocated 10 percent of the GB cod ACL available to all vessels issued a limited access NE multispecies permit, that sector would also be allocated and may harvest 10 percent of that ACE from the Eastern U.S./Canada Area. In this example, if the overall GB cod ACL available to all vessels issued a limited access NE multispecies permit is 1,000 mt, of which 100 mt is specified to the Eastern U.S./Canada Area, the Sector would be allocated 100 mt of GB cod, of which no more than 10 mt could be harvested from the Eastern U.S./Canada Area and no more than 90 mt could be harvested from the rest of the GB cod stock area.
(E) Potential sector contribution (PSC). For the purposes of allocating a share of the available ACL for each NE multispecies stock to approved sectors pursuant to § 648.90(a)(4), the landings history of all limited access NE multispecies permits shall be evaluated to determine each permit's share of the overall landings for each NE multispecies stock as specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(E)(1) and (2) of this section. When calculating an individual permit's share of the overall landings for a particular regulated species or ocean pout stock, landed weight shall be converted to live weight to maintain consistency with the way ACLs are calculated pursuant to § 648.90(a)(4) and the way ACEs are allocated to sectors pursuant to this paragraph (b)(1)(i). The PSC calculated pursuant to this paragraph (b)(1)(i)(E) shall remain with the permit indefinitely, but may be permanently reduced or eliminated due to a permit sanction or other enforcement action.
(1) Calculation of PSC for all NE multispecies stocks except GB cod. Unless otherwise specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i)(E)(2) of this section, for each valid limited access NE multispecies permit, including limited access NE multispecies Handgear A permits, dealer landings of each stock of NE multispecies caught while operating under the restrictions associated with a limited access NE multispecies permit, including regulated species or ocean pout caught under a NE multispecies DAS when participating in the skate or monkfish fisheries, that are available in the commercial dealer database to NMFS shall be summed for fishing years 1996 through 2006. This value shall then be divided by the total landings of each NE multispecies stock during the same period by all permits eligible to join sectors as of May 1, 2008. This produces an individual permit's share of the ACL for each regulated species or ocean pout stock available to the NE multispecies fishery. The landings history for each permit includes all landings that can be attributed to that permit pursuant to this paragraph (b)(1)(i)(E). For limited access NE multispecies Handgear A permits, this includes landings by the permitted vessel during fishing years 1996 through 2003 before the adoption of the limited access Handgear A permit category in 2004.
(2) Calculation of GB cod PSC. The GB cod PSC shall be calculated as specified in this paragraph (b)(1)(i)(E)(2) and shall remain with the permit indefinitely regardless whether the vessel participates in either the GB Cod Hook Gear Sector or the GB Cod Fixed Gear Sector, as defined in § 648.87(d)(1) or (2), joins a new sector, or fishes pursuant to the provisions of the common pool.
(i) GB cod PSC for permits committed to participate in the GB Cod Hook Gear Sector or GB Cod Fixed Gear Sector. For each valid NE multispecies permit that committed to participate in either the GB Cod Hook Gear Sector or the GB Cod Fixed Gear Sector as evidenced by a valid signature executed on or before March 1, 2008, on a preliminary roster for either of these sectors, the PSC for GB cod shall be based upon the sum of dealer landings of GB cod for fishing years 1996 through 2001, divided by the total landings of GB cod by permits eligible to join sectors as of May 1, 2008, during that period. The PSC for all other regulated species or ocean pout stocks specified for these permits shall be calculated pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i)(E)(1) of this section.
(ii) GB cod PSC for all other permits. For all NE multispecies permits that have not committed to participate in either the GB Cod Hook Gear Sector or GB Cod Fixed Gear Sector, as specified in paragraph (o)(2)(i) of this section, the GB cod PSC shall be based upon the GB cod PSC available after accounting for the GB cod PSC calculated pursuant to paragraph (o)(2)(i) of this section. First, each permit's individual share of the available GB cod PSC shall be calculated by dividing the sum of the individual permit's landings of GB cod available in the commercial dealer database for fishing years 1996 through 2006 by the total landings of GB cod by permits eligible to join sectors as of May 1, 2008, during that period, after subtracting the total landings of GB cod by permits that committed to participate in either the GB Cod Hook Sector or GB Cod Fixed Gear Sector as of March 1, 2008, during that period. This individual share shall then multiplied by the available GB cod PSC calculated by subtracting the GB cod PSC allocated pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i)(E)(2 )(i) of this section from one. This shall provide each vessel's share of the available GB cod PSC.
(ii) Areas that can be fished. Vessels in a sector may only fish in a particular stock area, as specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(A) through (F) of this section, and § 648.85(b)(6)(v), or the Eastern U.S./Canada Area, as specified in § 648.85(a)(1), if the sector has been allocated, or acquires pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(viii) of this section, ACE for all stocks caught in that stock area. A sector must project when its ACE for each stock will be exceeded and must ensure that all vessels in the sector cease fishing operations prior to exceeding it. Once a sector has harvested its ACE for a stock, all vessels in that sector must cease fishing operations in that stock area on a sector trip unless and until it acquires additional ACE from another sector pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(viii) of this section, or as otherwise specified in an approved operations plan pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(xiv) of this section. For the purposes of this paragraph (b)(1)(ii), an ACE overage means catch of regulated species or ocean pout by vessels participating in a particular sector that exceed the ACE allocated to that sector, as of the date received or purchased by the dealer, whichever occurs first, after considering all ACE transfer requests ultimately approved by NMFS during the current fishing year, pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(viii) of this section, unless otherwise specified pursuant to § 648.90(a)(5).
(A) CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder Stock Area. The CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder Stock Area, for the purposes of identifying stock areas for trip limits specified in § 648.86, and for determining areas applicable to sector allocations of CC/GOM yellowtail flounder ACE pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, is defined as the area bounded on the north and west by the coastline of the United States, on the east by the U.S./Canadian maritime boundary, and on the south by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
Point N. latitude W. longitude
1 (1) 70°00′
2 (2) 70°00′
3 41°20′ (3)
4 41°20′ 69°50′
5 41°10′ 69°50′
6 41°10′ 69°30′
7 41°00′ 69°30′
8 41°00′ 68°50′
Code of Federal Regulations 643
9 42°20′ 68°50′
10 42°20′ (4)
1 Intersection of south-facing coastline of Cape Cod, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
2 Intersection of north-facing coastline of Nantucket, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
3 Intersection of east-facing coastline of Nantucket, MA, and 41°20′ N. lat.
4 U.S./Canada maritime boundary.
(B) SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder Stock Area. The SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder Stock Area, for the purposes of identifying stock areas for trip limits specified in § 648.86, and for determining areas applicable to sector allocations of SNE/MA yellowtail flounder ACE pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, is the area bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder Stock Area
Point N. latitude W. longitude
SNE1 35°00′ (1)
SNE2 35°00′ (2)
SNE3 39°00′ (2)
SNE4 39°00′ 69°00′
SNE5 39°50′ 69°00′
SNE7 39°50′ 68°50′
SNE8 41°00′ 68°50′
SNE9 41°00′ 69°30′
SNE10 41°10′ 69°30′
SNE11 41°10′ 69°50′
SNE12 41°20′ 69°50′
SNE13 41°20′ (3)
SNE14 (4) 70°00′
SNE15 (5) 70°00′
1 Intersection of east-facing coastline of Outer Banks, NC, and 35°00′ N. lat.
2 U.S./Canada maritime boundary.
3 Intersection of east-facing coastline of Nantucket, MA, and 41°20′ N. lat.
4 Intersection of north-facing coastline of Nantucket, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
5 Intersection of south-facing coastline of Cape Cod, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
(C) GOM Haddock Stock Area. The GOM Haddock Stock Area, for the purposes of identifying stock areas for trip limits specified in § 648.86 and for determining areas applicable to sector allocations of GOM haddock ACE pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, is defined as the area bounded on the north and west by the coastline of the United States, on the east by the U.S./Canadian maritime boundary, and on the south by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
GOM Haddock Stock Area
Point N. latitude W. longitude
GOM1 (1) 70°00′
GOM2 42°20′ 70°00′
GOM3 42°20′ 67°40′
GOM4 (2) 67°40′
GOM5 (3) 67°40′
GOM6 43°50′ 67°40′
GOM7 43°50′ (4)
GOM8 (4) 67°00′
GOM9 (5) 67°00′
1 Intersection of the north-facing coastline of Cape Cod, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
2 U.S./Canada maritime boundary (southern intersection with 67°40′ W. long.).
3 U.S./Canada maritime boundary (northern intersection with 67°40′ W. long.).
4 U.S./Canada maritime boundary.
5 Intersection of the south-facing ME coastline and 67°00′ W. long.
(D) GB Haddock Stock Area. The GB Haddock Stock Area, for the purposes of identifying stock areas for trip limits specified in § 648.86 and for determining areas applicable to sector allocations of GB haddock ACE pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, is defined as the area bounded on the west by the coastline of the United States, on the south by a line running from the east-facing coastline of North Carolina at 35° N. lat. until its intersection with the EEZ, on the east by the U.S./Canadian maritime boundary, and bounded on the north by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
Point N. latitude W. longitude
1 (1) 70°00′
2 42°20′ 70°00′
3 42°20′ (2)
1 Intersection of the north-facing coastline of Cape Cod, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
2 U.S./Canada maritime boundary.
(E) Redfish Stock Area. The Redfish Stock Area, for the purposes of identifying stock areas for trip limits specified in § 648.86 and for determining areas applicable to sector allocations of redfish ACE pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, is defined as the area bounded on the north and west by the coastline of the United States, on the east by the U.S./Canadian maritime boundary, and bounded on the south by a line running from the east-facing coastline of North Carolina at 35° N. lat. until its intersection with the EEZ.
(F) GOM Winter Flounder Stock Area. The GOM Winter Flounder Stock Area, for the purposes of identifying stock areas for trip limits specified in § 648.86 and for determining areas applicable to sector allocations of GOM winter flounder ACE pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, is the area bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated:
GOM Winter Flounder Stock Area
Point N. latitude W. longitude
GOM1 (1) 70°00′
GOM2 42°20′ 70°00′
GOM3 42°20′ 67°40′
GOM4 (2) 67°40′
GOM5 (3) 67°40′
GOM6 43°50′ 67°40′
GOM7 43°50′ (4)
GOM8 (4) 67°00′
GOM9 (5) 67°00′
1 Intersection of the north-facing coastline of Cape Cod, MA, and 70°00′ W. long.
2 U.S./Canada maritime boundary (southern intersection with 67°40′ N. lat.).
3 U.S./Canada maritime boundary (northern intersection with 67°40′ N. lat.).
4 U.S./Canada maritime boundary.
5 Intersection of the south-facing ME coastline and 67°00′ W. long.
(iii) Sector AMs. At the end of the fishing year, NMFS shall evaluate sector catch using VTR, VMS, IVR, and any other available information to determine whether a sector has exceeded any of its ACE allocations based upon the cumulative catch by participating permits/vessels, as identified in the final operations plan approved by the Regional Administrator pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, and each sector's share of any overage of the overall ACL for any stock caused by excessive catch by other sub-components of the fishery pursuant to § 648.90(a)(5), if necessary. Should an ACE allocated to a sector be exceeded in a given fishing year, the sector's ACE shall be reduced by the overage on a pound-for-pound basis during the following fishing year, and the sector, each vessel, vessel operator and/or vessel owner participating in the sector may be charged, as a result of said overages, jointly and severally for civil penalties and permit sanctions pursuant to 15 CFR part 904. If an ACE allocated to a sector is not exceeded in a given fishing year pursuant to this paragraph (b)(1)(iii), the sector's ACE allocation shall not be reduced for the following fishing year as a result of an overage of an ACE by non-compliant sectors or an overage of sub-ACLs allocated to common pool vessels, but may be reduced if the excessive catch of a particular stock by other sub-components of the fishery causes the overall ACL of a particular stock to be exceeded pursuant to § 648.90(a)(5). If declining stock conditions result in a need to reduce fishing mortality, and all sectors and common pool vessels have operated within their ACE or sub-ACL limits, a sector's percentage share shall not be changed, but the amount this share represents may be reduced due to reduced overall ACL for a particular stock. If stock conditions improve, and certain sectors stay within their ACE while other sectors or the common pool exceed their respective ACEs or sub-ACLs, the sectors that stay within their ACEs shall receive a temporary increase in ACE equal to the amount that other sectors or the common pool exceeded their ACE or sub-ACL, divided among such sectors proportional to each sector's share of the ACL available to vessels issued a limited access NE multispecies permit.
(1) PSC reduction. If a sector disbands following an overage, and the owner of an individual permit joins another sector for the subsequent fishing year, that permit's contribution toward the ACE for the stock for which the overage occurred to the other sector in the subsequent fishing year shall be reduced by an amount equal to the overage divided by the number of permits/vessels participating in the sector during the fishing year in which the overage occurred. For example, if a sector comprised of 10 permits/vessels exceeded its GB cod ACE by 10,000 lb (4,536 kg) during the previous fishing year, but later disbands, each permit/vessel that was in that sector, but then joins another sector during the following fishing year shall have its contribution of GB cod to another sector temporarily reduced by 1,000 lb (453.6 kg) during the subsequent fishing year for the purposes of calculating the available GB cod ACE allocated to another sector during that fishing year.
(2) DAS reduction. If a sector disbands following an overage and the owner of an individual permit elects to fish under the provisions of the common pool during the subsequent fishing year, that permit/vessel's NE multispecies Category A DAS allocation for the subsequent fishing year shall be temporarily reduced by an amount proportional to the highest percentage overage by that sector of any of the stocks for which an overage occurred. For example, if a sector exceeded its GB cod ACE by 10 percent and its pollock ACE by 15 percent, each permit would receive a 15-percent reduction in its Category A DAS allocation for the subsequent fishing year if fishing under the provisions of the common pool.
(3) Fishing prohibition. If a sector does not disband following an overage, but otherwise does not have sufficient ACE to cover an overage based upon the PSC of participating permits, that sector's ACE for the stock for which the overage occurred shall be temporarily reduced to zero for the following fishing year, and that sector shall be prohibited from fishing on a sector trip in the stock area associated with the stock for which the ACE was exceeded during the following year, unless and until that sector can acquire sufficient ACE from another sector to cover the remaining overage from the previous fishing year. For example, if a sector comprised of 10 permits/vessels was allocated 10 mt of GB cod ACE, but caught 25 mt during the previous fishing year (i.e., it exceeded its GB cod ACE by 15 mt), each permit/vessel that participating in that sector during the following fishing year would have its GB cod PSC temporarily reduced to zero during the subsequent fishing year, and that sector would not be able to fish on a sector trip in the GB cod stock area until it could acquire at least an additional 5 mt of GB cod ACE from another sector (i.e., 15 mt overage—10 mt ACE for the following year = 5 mt overage remaining).
(iv) Sector enforcement— (A) Sector compliance and joint/several liability. Unless exempted through a letter of authorization specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, each vessel operator and/or vessel owner fishing under an approved sector must comply with all NE multispecies management measures of this part and other applicable law. Each vessel and vessel operator and/or vessel owner participating in a sector must also comply with all applicable requirements and conditions of the operations plan specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section and the letter of authorization issued pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Pursuant to 15 CFR part 904, each sector, permit/vessel owner, and vessel operator participating in the sector may be charged jointly and severally for violations of the following sector operations plan requirements, which may result in an assessment of civil penalties and permit sanctions: ACE overages, discarding of legal-sized NE multispecies, and misreporting of catch, including both landings and discards. For the purposes of enforcement, a sector is a legal entity that can be subject to NMFS enforcement action for violations of the regulations pertaining to sectors, as specified in this paragraph (b)(1)(iv).
(B) Commitment to a sector. A permit/vessel participating in a sector must remain in the sector for the remainder of the fishing year. Such permits/vessels cannot fish under both the sector provisions and the provisions of the common pool during that same fishing year for any reason, including, but not limited to, expulsion from the sector pursuant to enforcement actions or other measures specified in an approved sector operations plan, vessel replacement, or permit/vessel sale to another owner. For example, if a permit/vessel is sold by a sector participant during the fishing year, the new owner must comply with the sector regulations and the conditions of the sector operations plan, sector contract, or any other binding agreements among participating sector vessels for the remainder of the fishing year. If a permit/vessel has been expelled from a sector, the sector must notify NMFS of such an expulsion immediately. Any permit/vessel, vessel operator, or vessel owner removed from a sector during a specific fishing year consistent with sector rules shall not be eligible to fish in another sector or under the NE multispecies regulations for common pool vessels specified in this part for the remainder of that fishing year. For the purposes of this paragraph, “permit/vessel” refers to the fishing and landings history associated with a particular permit/vessel enrolled in a specific sector at the start of the fishing year that was used to calculate the PSC for that permit/vessel and contribute to the ACE for each stock allocated to that specific sector.
(v) Sector monitoring. Each sector shall monitor catch by participating sector vessels to ensure that ACEs are not exceeded during the fishing year, as specified in this paragraph (b)(1)(v). The sector shall summarize trips validated by dealer reports; oversee the use of electronic monitoring equipment and review of associated data; maintain a database of VTR, dealer, observer, and electronic monitoring reports; determine all species landings by stock areas; apply discard estimates to landings; deduct catch from ACEs allocated to sectors; and report sector catch on a weekly basis to NMFS, as required in paragraph (b)(1)(vi) of this section. Unless otherwise specified in this paragraph (b)(1)(v), all catches of stocks allocated to sectors by vessels on a sector trip shall be deducted from the sector's ACE for each NE multispecies stock regardless of what the fishery the vessel was participating in when the fish was caught. For the purposes of this paragraph (b)(1)(v), any regulated species or ocean pout caught using gear capable of catching NE multispecies (i.e., gear not listed as exempted gear under this part) would be deducted from a sector's ACE if such catch contributed to the specification of PSC, as described in § 648.87(b)(1)(i)(E), and would not apply to another ACL sub-component pursuant to § 648.90(a)(4). For example, any regulated species or ocean pout landed while fishing for or catching skates or monkfish pursuant to the regulations for those fisheries would be deducted from the sector's ACE for each stock because such regulated species or ocean pout were caught while also operating under a NE multispecies DAS. However, if a sector vessel is issued a limited access General Category Atlantic Sea Scallop permit and fishes for scallops under the provisions specific to that permit, any yellowtail flounder caught by the vessel on such trips would be deducted from the other sub-component of the appropriate stock of yellowtail flounder's ACL specified for the Atlantic Sea Scallop fishery and not from the yellowtail flounder ACE for the sector.
(A) Discards. A sector vessel may not discard any legal-sized regulated species or ocean pout allocated to sectors pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, unless otherwise required pursuant to § 648.86(l). Discards of undersized regulated species or ocean pout by a sector vessel must be reported to NMFS consistent with the reporting requirements specified in paragraph (b)(1)(vi) of this section. Discards shall not be included in the information used to calculate a vessel's PSC, as described in § 648.87(b)(1)(i)(E), but shall be counted against a sector's ACE for each NE multispecies stock allocated to a sector.
(1) Dockside/roving monitors. Dockside/roving monitors shall monitor landings of regulated species and ocean pout by sector vessels at the first point of offload, whether directly to a federally permitted dealer or to a truck for transfer to a federally permitted dealer, to verify such landings at the time the landings are weighed by a federally permitted dealer and to certify the landing weights are accurate as reported on the dealer report. The level of coverage for landings by sector vessels is specified in paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B)(3) of this section. To ensure that these levels of coverage are achieved, if a trip has been selected to be observed by a dockside/roving monitor, all offloading events associated with that trip, regardless of how many or the location of offloading events, must be monitored. For example, if a trip is selected to be observed by a dockside/roving monitor, a vessel offloading at more than one dealer or facility must have a dockside/roving monitor present during the offload at each location. The details of the dockside/roving monitoring program used by each sector must be specified in the sector's operations plan and must be consistent with the operational standards specified in paragraph (b)(5) of this section. The Regional Administrator shall review the dockside/roving monitoring program and approve/disapprove it as part of the yearly operations plan in a manner consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2) At-sea/electronic monitoring program. Beginning in fishing year 2012, in addition to the dockside/roving monitoring requirement specified in paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B)(1) of this section, an at-sea/electronic monitoring program must be implemented to verify area fished as well as catch and discards by species and gear type. A sector may elect to develop an at-sea/electronic monitoring program before fishing year 2012 and specify the details of such a program in its operations plan. Electronic monitoring may be used in place of actual observers if the technology is deemed sufficient by NMFS for a specific trip type based on gear type and area fished, in a manner consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act. No electronic monitoring technology may be used in place of an at-sea monitor unless approved by NMFS as part of the sector's annual operations plan. If either an at-sea monitor or electronic monitoring is assigned to a particular trip, a vessel may not leave port without the appropriate at-sea monitor or electronic monitoring equipment on board. The at-sea/electronic monitoring program developed and implemented by each sector must be consistent with the operational standards specified in paragraph (b)(6) of this section, with details of the program specified in the sector's annual operations plan. The Regional Administrator shall review the at-sea/electronic monitoring program and approve/disapprove it as part of the annual operations plan in a manner consistent with the Administrative Procedure Act. The level of coverage for landings by sector vessels is specified in paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B)(3) of this section.
(3) Coverage levels. Any service provider providing dockside/roving or at-sea monitoring services required under this paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B)(3) must provide coverage that is fair, equitable, and distributed in a statistically random manner among all trips such that coverage is representative of fishing activities by all vessels within each sector and by all sector vessel operations throughout the fishing year.
(i) Dockside/roving monitoring. For fishing year 2010, at least 50 percent of all sector trips shall be monitored by dockside/roving monitors. Beginning in fishing year 2011, at least 20 percent of all Sector trips shall be monitored by dockside/roving monitors.
(ii) At-sea/electronic monitoring. Beginning in fishing year 2012, coverage levels for an at-sea monitoring program shall be specified by NMFS, but shall be less than 100 percent of all sector trips. Such coverage levels must be sufficient to at least meet the coefficient of variation specified in the Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology and accurately monitor sector operations. In the event that a NMFS-sponsored observer and a third-party at-sea monitor are assigned to the same trip, only the NMFS observer must observe that trip.
(4) Hail reports. For the purposes of the dockside/roving and at-sea monitoring requirements specified in this paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B), sector vessels must submit all hail reports for a sector trip in which the NE multispecies catch applies against the ACE allocated to a sector, as specified in this part, to service providers offering dockside/roving and at-sea monitoring services pursuant to this paragraph (b)(1)(v)(B). The mechanism and timing of the transmission of such hail reports must be specified in the annual sector operations plan, consistent with paragraphs (b)(5) and (6) of this section.
(5) Notification of service provider change. If for any reason a sector decides to change service providers used to provide the dockside/roving and at-sea monitoring services required in this paragraph (b)(1)(v), the sector manager must first inform NMFS of the effective date of the change in service providers in conjunction with the submission of the next weekly sector catch report specified in paragraph (b)(1)(vi)(B) of this section. A sector may employ more than one service provider at any time, provide any service provider employed by a sector meets the standards specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(A) VMS declarations and trip-level catch reports. Prior to each sector trip, a sector vessel must declare into broad stock areas in which the vessel fishes and submit the VTR serial number associated with that trip pursuant to § 648.10(k). The sector vessel must also submit a VMS catch report detailing regulated species and ocean pout catch by broad stock areas when fishing in multiple stock areas on the same trip, pursuant to § 648.10(k).
(B) Weekly catch report. Each sector must submit weekly reports to NMFS stating the remaining balance of ACE allocated to each sector based upon regulated species and ocean pout landings and discards of vessels participating in that sector and any compliance/enforcement concerns. These reports must include at least the following information, as instructed by the Regional Administrator: Week ending date; species, stock area, gear, number of trips, reported landings (landed pounds and live pounds), discards (live pounds), total catch (live pounds), status of the sector's ACE (pounds remaining and percent remaining), and whether this is a new or updated record of sector catch for each NE multispecies stock allocated to that particular sector; sector enforcement issues, including any discrepancies noted by dockside/roving monitors between dealers and offloads; summary of offloads witnessed by dockside/roving monitors for that reporting week; and a list of vessels landing for that reporting week. These weekly catch reports must be submitted no later than 2359 hr on Thursday of the week following the reporting week, as defined in this part. The frequency of these reports must be increased to more than a weekly submission when the balance of remaining ACE is low, as specified in the sector operations plan and approved by NMFS. If requested, sectors must provide detailed trip-by-trip catch data to NMFS for the purposes of auditing sector catch monitoring data based upon guidance provided by the Regional Administrator.