
(6) Fail to comply in an accurate and timely fashion with the log report, reporting, record retention, inspection, or other requirements of § 648.7, or submit or maintain false information in records and reports required to be kept or filed under § 648.7.
(8) Fail to comply with any sea turtle conservation measure specified in 50 CFR parts 222 and 223, including any sea turtle conservation measure implemented by notification in the Federal Register.
(4) Fish for, possess, or land species regulated under this part with or from a vessel that is issued a limited access or moratorium permit under § 648.4(a) and that has had the horsepower, length, GRT, or NT of such vessel or its replacement upgraded or increased in excess of the limitations specified in § 648.4(a)(1)(i)(E) and (F).
(6) Attempt to replace a limited access or moratorium fishing vessel, as specified at § 648.4(a)(1)(i)(E), more than once during a permit year, unless the vessel has been rendered permanently inoperable.
(2) Sell, barter, trade, or transfer; or attempt to sell, barter, trade, or transfer; other than solely for transport on land, any Atlantic herring, multispecies, or monkfish from a vessel that fished for such species in the EEZ, unless the dealer or transferee has a valid dealer permit issued under § 648.6. A person who purchases and/or receives Atlantic herring at sea for his own personal use as bait, and does not have purse seine, mid-water trawl, pelagic gillnet, sink gillnet, or bottom trawl gear on board, is exempt from the requirement to possess an Atlantic herring dealer permit.
(2) Vessel and operator permit holders. Unless participating in a research activity as described in § 648.21(g), it is unlawful for any person owning or operating a vessel issued a valid mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery permit, or issued an operator's permit, to do any of the following:
(iii) Gear and vessel requirements. (A) Fish with or possess nets or netting that do not meet the gear requirements for Atlantic mackerel, Loligo, Illex, or butterfish specified in § 648.23(a); or that are modified, obstructed, or constricted, if subject to the minimum mesh requirements, unless the nets or netting are stowed in accordance with § 648.23(b) or the vessel is fishing under an exemption specified in § 648.23(a)(3)(ii).
(3) Charter/party restrictions. Unless participating in a research activity as described in § 648.21(g), it is unlawful for the owner and operator of a party or charter boat issued a mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery permit (including a moratorium permit), when the boat is carrying passengers for hire, to do any of the following:
(i) Permit requirement. Fish for, possess, or land, scallops without the vessel having been issued and carrying onboard a valid scallop permit in accordance with § 648.4(a)(2), unless the scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been issued a Federal scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state waters.
(1) In excess of 40 lb (18.1 kg) of shucked scallops at any time, 5 bu (1.76 hL) of in-shell scallops shoreward of the VMS Demarcation Line, or 10 bu (3.52 hL) of in-shell scallops seaward of the VMS Demarcation Line, unless:
(i) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state waters.
(ii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board a limited access scallop permit and is properly declared into the scallop DAS or Area Access program.
(iii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board an IFQ scallop permit and is properly declared into the IFQ scallop fishery.
(v) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board an Incidental scallop permit allowing up to 40 lb (18.1 kg) of shucked or 5 bu (1.76 hL) of in-shell scallops; is carrying an at-sea observer; and is authorized by the Regional Administrator to have, and the vessel does not exceed, an increased possession limit to compensate for the cost of carrying the observer.
(2) In excess of 200 lb (90.7 kg) of shucked scallops at any time, 25 bu (8.8 hL) of in-shell scallops inside the VMS Demarcation Line, or 50 bu (17.6 hL) of in-shell scallops seaward of the VMS Demarcation Line, unless:
(i) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state waters.
(ii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board a limited access scallop permit and is properly declared into the scallop DAS or Area Access program.
(iii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board an IFQ scallop permit issued pursuant to § 648.4(a)(2)(ii)(A), is fishing outside of the NGOM scallop management area, and is properly declared into the general category scallop fishery.
(iv) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board a scallop permit and the vessel is fishing in accordance with the provisions of the state waters exemption program specified in § 648.54.
(v) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board an NGOM scallop permit allowing up to 200 lb (90.7 kg) of shucked or 25 bu (8.8 hL) of in-shell scallops; is carrying an at-sea observer; and is authorized by the Regional Administrator to have, and the vessel does not exceed, an increased possession limit to compensate for the cost of carrying the observer.
(3) In excess of 400 lb (181.4 kg) of shucked scallops at any time, 50 bu (17.6 hL) of in-shell scallops shoreward of the VMS Demarcation Line, or 100 bu (35.2 hL) in-shell scallops seaward of the VMS Demarcation Line, unless:
(i) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has not been issued a scallop permit and fishes for scallops exclusively in state waters.
(ii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board a limited access scallop permit issued pursuant to § 648.4(a)(2)(i) and is properly declared into the scallop DAS or Area Access program.
(iii) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board a scallop permit and the vessel is fishing in accordance with the provisions of the state waters exemption program specified in § 648.54.
(iv) The scallops were harvested by a vessel that has been issued and carries on board an IFQ scallop permit, is carrying an at-sea observer, and is authorized by the Regional Administrator to have, and the vessel does not exceed, an increased possession limit to compensate for the cost of carrying the observer.
(B) Transit or be in the areas described in §§ 648.58 or 648.61 in possession of scallops, except when all fishing gear is unavailable for immediate use as defined in § 648.23(b), or unless there is a compelling safety reason to be in such areas.
(2) Fail to comply with any chafing gear or other gear obstruction restrictions specified in § 648.51(a)(3).
(3) Fail to comply with the dredge vessel gear restrictions specified in § 648.51(b).
(4) Fish under the small dredge program specified in § 648.51(e), with, or while in possession of, a dredge that exceeds 10.5 ft (3.2 m) in overall width, as measured at the widest point in the bail of the dredge.
(5) Fish under the small dredge program specified in § 648.51(e) with more than five persons on board the vessel, including the operator, unless otherwise authorized by the Regional Administrator or unless participating in the Area Access Program pursuant to the requirements specified in § 648.60.
(6) Participate in the DAS allocation program with more persons on board the vessel than the number specified in § 648.51(c), including the operator, when the vessel is not docked or moored in port, unless otherwise authorized by the Regional Administrator, or unless participating in the Area Access Program pursuant to the requirements specified in § 648.60.
(7) Have a shucking or sorting machine on board a vessel that shucks scallops at sea while fishing under the DAS allocation program, unless otherwise authorized by the Regional Administrator.
(8) Fish with, possess on board, or land scallops while in possession of trawl nets, when fishing for scallops under the DAS allocation program, unless exempted as provided for in § 648.51(f).
(9) Fail to comply with the restriction on twine top described in § 648.51(b)(4)(iv).
(C) Fish for or land per trip, or possess at any time, scallops in the NGOM scallop management area after notification in the Federal Register that the NGOM scallop management area TAC has been harvested, as specified in § 648.62, unless the vessel possesses or lands scallops that were harvested south of 42°20′ N. lat. and the vessel only transits the NGOM scallop management area with the vessel's fishing gear properly stowed and unavailable for immediate use in accordance with § 648.23.
(iv) DAS. (A) Fish for, possess, or land scallops after using up the vessel's annual DAS allocation and Access Area trip allocations, or when not properly declared into the DAS or an Area Access program pursuant to § 648.10, unless the vessel has been issued an LAGC scallop permit pursuant to § 648.4(a)(2)(ii) and has properly declared into a general category scallop fishery, unless exempted from DAS allocations as provided in state waters exemption, specified in § 648.54.
(v) VMS requirements. (A) Fail to have an approved, operational, and functioning VMS unit that meets the specifications of § 648.9 on board the vessel at all times, unless the vessel is not subject to the VMS requirements specified in § 648.10.
(B) If the vessel is not subject to VMS requirements specified in § 648.10(b), fail to comply with the requirements of the call-in system specified in § 648.10(c).
(B) Declare, initiate a trip into, or fish in the areas specified in § 648.59(b) through (d) after the effective date of the notice in the Federal Register stating that the yellowtail flounder TAC has been harvested as specified in § 648.85(c).
(C) Possess or retain yellowtail flounder in or from the areas specified in § 648.59(b) through (d) after the effective date of the notice in the Federal Register stating that the yellowtail flounder TAC has been harvested as specified in § 648.85(c).
(F) Declare more than two access area trips into the Delmarva and Elephant Trunk Access Areas, as specified in § 648.59(a) and (e), during the period June 15 through August 31, unless at least one trip is terminated early and trips in excess of two are declared compensation trips authorized under § 648.60(c); and
(G) Vessels do not fish for, possess, or retain more than a combined total of 36,000 lb (16,329 kg) of scallops from the Delmarva and Elephant Trunk Access Areas specified in § 648.59(a) and (e) during the period June 15 through August 31. This restriction does not include the additional possession allowance to defray the cost of carrying an observer, as specified in § 648.60(d), that occurs during observed trips between June 15 and August 31.