SUBPART 160.077—Hybrid Inflatable Personal Flotation Devices (§160.077-1 to §160.077-31)
- 160.077-1—Scope.
- 160.077-2—Definitions.
- 160.077-3—Required to be worn.
- 160.077-4—Type.
- 160.077-5—Incorporation by reference.
- 160.077-6—Approval procedures.
- 160.077-7—Procedure for approval of design or material revision.
- 160.077-9—Recognized laboratory.
- 160.077-11—Materials—Recreational Hybrid PFD's.
- 160.077-13—Materials—Type I and Commercial Hybrid PFD.
- 160.077-15—Construction and Performance—Recreational Hybrid PFD.
- 160.077-17—Construction and Performance—Type I and Commercial Hybrid PFD.
- 160.077-19—Approval Testing—Recreational Hybrid PFD's.
- 160.077-21—Approval Testing—Type I and Commercial Hybrid PFD.
- 160.077-23—Production tests and inspections.
- 160.077-25—Manufacturer records.
- 160.077-27—Pamphlet.
- 160.077-29—PFD Manuals.
- 160.077-30—Spare operating components and temporary marking.
- 160.077-31—PFD Marking.