
(a) Commandant means the Chief of the Lifesaving and Fire Safety Division, Marine Safety and Environmental Protection. Address: Commandant (CG-5214), U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 2nd St., SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593-7126.
(b) Commercial hybrid PFD means a hybrid PFD approved for use on commercial vessels identified on the PFD label.
(c) First quality workmanship means construction which is free from any defect materially affecting appearance or serviceability.
(d) Hybrid PFD means a personal flotation device that has at least one inflation chamber in combination with inherently buoyant material.
(e) Inflation medium means any solid, liquid, or gas, that, when activated, provides inflation for buoyancy.
(f) Inspector means an independent laboratory representative assigned to perform duties described in § 160.077-23.
(g) PFD means a personal flotation device of a type approved under this subpart.
(h) Recreational hybrid PFD means a hybrid PFD approved for use on a recreational boat as defined in 33 CFR 175.3.
(i) [Reserved]
(j) Reference vest means a model AK-1, adult PFD; model CKM-1, child medium PFD; or model CKS-2, child small PFD, meeting the requirements of subpart of this chapter, except that, in lieu of the weight and displacement values prescribed in Tables 160.047-4(c)(2) and 160.047-4(c)(4), each insert must have the minimum weight of kapok and displacement as shown in Table 160.077-2(j). To achieve the specified volume displacement, front and back insert pad coverings may be larger than the dimensions prescribed by § 160.047-1(b) and the width of the front fabric envelope and height of the back fabric envelope may be increased to accommodate a circumference no greater than 1/4″ larger than the filled insert circumference. As an alternative, unicellular plastic foam inserts of the specified displacement and of an equivalent shape, as accepted by the Commandant, may be substituted for kapok inserts.
Table 160.077-2(j)—Reference Vest Minimum Kapok Weight and Volume Displacement
Reference PFD type Front insert (2 each) Back insert
Minimum kapok weight g (oz) Volume displacement N (lb) Minimum kapok weight g (oz) Volume displacement N (lb)
Devices for adults, weighing over 40 kg (90 lb):
Type II, III, and V Recreational 234 (8.25) 40±1 (9.0±0.25) 156 (5.5) 27±1 (6.0±0.25)
Devices for youths, weighing 23-40 kg (50-90 lb):
Type I 184 (6.5) 31±1 (7.0±0.25) 170 (6.0) 30±1 (6.5±0.25)
Type II, III, and V 1 156 (5.5) 26±1 (5.75±0.25) 149 (5.25) 24±1 (5.5±0.l25)
Devices for small children, weighing 14-23 kg (30-50 lb):
Type I 128 (4.5) 21±1 (4.75±0.25) 156 (5.5) 30±1 (6.5±0.25)
Type II 100 (3.5) 17±1 (3.75±0.25) 135 (4.75) 22±1 (5.0±0.25)
1 Both Recreational and Commercial.
(k) Second stage donning means adjustments or steps necessary to make a PFD provide its intended flotation characteristics after the device has been properly donned and then inflated.
(l) SOLAS lifejacket, in the case of a hybrid inflatable PFD, means a PFD approved as meeting the requirements for lifejackets in the 1983 Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74/83), in addition to the requirements of this subpart.
[CGD 78-174, 50 FR 33928, Aug. 22, 1985, as amended by CGD 78-174A, 51 FR 4351, Feb. 4, 1986; CGD 88-070, 53 FR 34536, Sept. 7, 1988. Redesignated and amended by CGD 78-174, 60 FR 2486, Jan. 9, 1995; 60 FR 7131, Feb. 7, 1995; CGD 95-072, 60 FR 50466, Sept. 29, 1995; CGD 96-041, 61 FR 50733, Sept. 27, 1996; USCG-2009-0702, 74 FR 49237, Sept. 25, 2009]