422.308—Adjustments to capitation rates, benchmarks, bids, and payments.

CMS performs the following calculations and adjustments to determine rates and payments:
(a) National per capita growth percentage. (1) The national per capita growth percentage for a year, applied under § 422.306, is CMS' estimate of the rate of growth in per capita expenditures under this title for an individual entitled to benefits under Part A and enrolled under Part B. CMS may make separate estimates for aged enrollees, disabled enrollees, and enrollees who have ESRD.
(2) The amount calculated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section must exclude expenditures attributable to sections 1848(a)(7) and (o) and sections 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) and (n) of the Act.
(b) Adjustment for over or under projection of national per capita growth percentages. CMS will adjust the minimum percentage increase rate at § 422.306(a)(2) and the adjusted average per capita cost rate at § 422.306(b)(2) for the previous year to reflect any differences between the projected national per capita growth percentages for that year and previous years, and the current estimates of those percentages for those years. CMS will not make this adjustment for years before 2004.
(c) Risk adjustment— (1) General rule. CMS will adjust the payment amounts under § 422.304(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) for age, gender, disability status, institutional status, and other factors CMS determines to be appropriate, including health status, in order to ensure actuarial equivalence. CMS may add to, modify, or substitute for risk adjustment factors if those changes will improve the determination of actuarial equivalence.
(2) Risk adjustment: Health status— (i) Data collection. To adjust for health status, CMS applies a risk factor based on data obtained in accordance with § 422.310.
(ii) Implementation. CMS applies a risk factor that incorporates inpatient hospital and ambulatory risk adjustment data. This factor is phased as follows:
(A) 100 percent of payments for ESRD MA enrollees in 2005 and succeeding years.
(B) 75 percent of payments for aged and disabled enrollees in 2006.
(C) 100 percent of payments for aged and disabled enrollees in 2007 and succeeding years.
(3) Uniform application. Except as provided for MA RFB plans under § 422.304(c)(3), CMS applies this adjustment factor to all types of plans.
(d) Adjustment for intra-area variations. CMS makes the following adjustments to payments.
(1) Intra-regional variations. For payments for an MA regional plan for an MA region, CMS will adjust the payment amount specified at § 422.304(a)(1) and (a)(2) to take into account variations in local payment rates among the different MA local areas included in the region.
(2) Intra-service area variations. For payments to an MA local plan with a service area covering more than one MA local area (county), CMS will adjust the payment amount specified in § 422.304(a)(1) and (a)(2) to take into account variations in local payment rates among the different MA local areas included in the plan's service area.
(e) Adjustment relating to risk adjustment: the government premium adjustment. CMS will adjust payments to an MA plan as necessary to ensure that the sum of CMS' monthly payment made under § 422.304(a) and the plan's monthly basic beneficiary premium equals the unadjusted MA statutory non-drug bid amount, adjusted for risk and for intra-area or intra-regional payment variation.
(f) Adjustment of payments to reflect number of Medicare enrollees— (1) General rule. CMS adjusts payments retroactively to take into account any difference between the actual number of Medicare enrollees and the number on which it based an advance monthly payment.
(2) Special rules for certain enrollees. (i) Subject to paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, CMS may make adjustments, for a period (not to exceed 90 days) that begins when a beneficiary elects a group health plan (as defined in § 411.1010) offered by an MA organization, and ends when the beneficiary is enrolled in an MA plan offered by the MA organization.
(ii) CMS does not make an adjustment unless the beneficiary certifies that, at the time of enrollment under the MA plan, he or she received from the organization the disclosure statement specified in § 422.111.
(g) Adjustment for national coverage determination (NCD) services and legislative changes in benefits. If CMS determines that the cost of furnishing an NCD service or legislative change in benefits is significant, as defined in § 422.109, CMS will adjust capitation rates, or make other payment adjustments, to account for the cost of the service or legislative change in benefits. Until the new capitation rates are in effect, the MA organization will be paid for the significant cost NCD service or legislative change in benefits on a fee-for-service basis as provided under § 422.109(b).
(h) Adjustments to payments to regional MA plans for purposes of risk corridor payments. For the purpose of calculation of risk corridors under § 422.458, MA organizations offering regional MA plans in 2006 and/or 2007 must submit, after the end of a contract year and before a date CMS specifies, the following information:
(1) Actual allowable costs (defined in § 422.458(a)) for the previous contract year.
(2) The portion of the costs attributable to administrative expenses incurred in providing these benefits.
(3) The total costs for providing rebatable integrated benefits (as defined in § 422.458(a)) and the portion of the costs that is attributable to administrative expenses in addition to the administrative expenses described in paragraph (h)(2) of this section.
[70 FR 4729, Jan. 28, 2005, as amended at 75 FR 44564, July 28, 2010]