422.310—Risk adjustment data.

(a) Definition of risk adjustment data. Risk adjustment data are all data that are used in the development and application of a risk adjustment payment model.
(b) Data collection: Basic rule. Each MA organization must submit to CMS (in accordance with CMS instructions) the data necessary to characterize the context and purposes of each item and service provided to a Medicare enrollee by a provider, supplier, physician, or other practitioner. CMS may also collect data necessary to characterize the functional limitations of enrollees of each MA organization.
(c) Sources and extent of data. (1) To the extent required by CMS, risk adjustment data must account for the following:
(i) Items and services covered under the original Medicare program.
(ii) Medicare covered items and services for which Medicare is not the primary payer.
(iii) Other additional or supplemental benefits that the MA organization may provide.
(2) The data must account separately for each provider, supplier, physician, or other practitioner that would be permitted to bill separately under the original Medicare program, even if they participate jointly in the same service.
(d) Other data requirements. (1) MA organizations must submit data that conform to CMS' requirements for data equivalent to Medicare fee-for-service data, when appropriate, and to all relevant national standards. CMS may specify abbreviated formats for data submission required of MA organizations.
(2) The data must be submitted electronically to the appropriate CMS contractor.
(3) MA organizations must obtain the risk adjustment data required by CMS from the provider, supplier, physician, or other practitioner that furnished the item or service.
(4) MA organizations may include in their contracts with providers, suppliers, physicians, and other practitioners, provisions that require submission of complete and accurate risk adjustment data as required by CMS. These provisions may include financial penalties for failure to submit complete data.
(e) Validation of risk adjustment data. MA organizations and their providers and practitioners will be required to submit a sample of medical records for the validation of risk adjustment data, as required by CMS. There may be penalties for submission of false data.
(f) Use of data. CMS uses the data obtained under this section to determine the risk adjustment factors used to adjust payments, as required under §§ 422.304(a) and (c). CMS also may use the data for updating risk adjustment models, calculating Medicare DSH percentages, conducting quality review and improvement activities, and for Medicare coverage purposes.
(g) Deadlines for submission of risk adjustment data. Risk adjustment factors for each payment year are based on risk adjustment data submitted for items and services furnished during the 12-month period before the payment year that is specified by CMS. As determined by CMS, this 12-month period may include a 6-month data lag that may be changed or eliminated as appropriate. CMS may adjust these deadlines, as appropriate.
(1) The annual deadline for risk adjustment data submission is the first Friday in September for risk adjustment data reflecting items and services furnished during the 12-month period ending the prior June 30, and the first Friday in March for data reflecting services furnished during the 12-month period ending the prior December 31.
(2) CMS allows a reconciliation process to account for late data submissions. CMS continues to accept risk adjustment data submitted after the March deadline until January 31 of the year following the payment year. After the payment year is completed, CMS recalculates the risk factors for affected individuals to determine if adjustments to payments are necessary. Risk adjustment data that are received after the annual January 31 late data submission deadline will not be accepted for the purposes of reconciliation.
[73 FR 48757, Aug. 19, 2008]