1204.204—What accounting and auditing relief will ONRR not allow?
Agreement means a federally approved communitization agreement or unit participating area.
Barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) means the combined equivalent production of oil and gas stated in barrels of oil. Each barrel of oil production is equal to one BOE. Also, each 6,000 cubic feet of gas production is equal to one BOE.
Base period means the 12-month period from July 1 through June 30 immediately preceding the calendar year for which you take or request marginal property relief. For example, if you request relief for calendar year 2006, your base period is July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005.
Combined equivalent production means the total of all oil and gas production for the marginal property, stated in BOE.
Designee means the person designated by a lessee under § 1218.52 to make all or part of the royalty or other payments due on a lease on the lessee's behalf.
Producing wells means only those producing oil or gas wells that contribute to the sum of BOE used in the calculation under § 1204.4(c). Producing wells do not include injection or water wells. Wells with multiple zones commingled downhole are considered as a single well.
Property means a lease, a portion of a lease, or an agreement that may be a marginal property if it meets the qualification requirements of § 1204.4.
State concerned (State) means the State that receives a statutorily prescribed portion of the royalties from a Federal onshore or OCS lease.
This subpart explains how you as a lessee or designee may obtain accounting and auditing relief for your Federal onshore or OCS lease production from a marginal property. The two types of accounting and auditing relief that you can receive under this subpart are cumulative reports and payment relief (explained in § 1204.202) and other accounting and auditing relief appropriate for your property (explained in § 1204.203 ).
If you are a lessee or a designee for a Federal lease with production from a property that qualifies as a marginal property under § 1204.4 ;
Only for the fractional interest in production from the marginal property for which you report and pay royalty. You may obtain relief even if the other lessees or designees for your lease or agreement do not request relief.
You may not obtain one or both of the relief options specified in this subpart on any portion of production from a marginal property if:
One of the States determines under § 1204.208 that it will not allow the relief option you seek.
The cumulative royalty reports and payments relief option allows you to submit one royalty report and payment annually for production during a calendar year. You are eligible for this option only if the total volume produced from the marginal property (not just your share of the production) is 1,000 BOE or less during the base period.
To use the cumulative royalty reports and payments relief option, you must do all of the following:
Notify ONRR in writing by January 31 of the calendar year for which you begin taking your relief. See § 1204.205(a) for what your notification must contain;
Submit your royalty report and payment in accordance with 30 CFR 1218.51(g) by the end of February of the year following the calendar year for which you reported annually, unless you have an estimated payment on file. If you have an estimated payment on file, you must submit your royalty report and payment by the end of March of the year following the calendar year for which you reported annually;
Use the sales month prior to the month that you submit your annual report and payment under paragraph (b)(2) of this section on your Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance, Form MMS-2014, for the entire previous calendar year's production for which you are paying annually. (For example, for a report in February use January as your sales month, and for a report in March use February as your sales month, to report production for the entire previous calendar year for which you are paying annually);
Report one line of cumulative royalty information on Form MMS-2014 for the calendar year, the same as if it were a monthly report; and
Report allowances on Form MMS-2014 on the same annual basis as the royalties for your marginal property production.
If you do not pay your royalty by the date due in paragraph (b) of this section, you will owe late payment interest determined under 30 CFR 1218.54 from the date your payment was due under this section until the date ONRR receives it.
If you take relief you are not qualified for, you may be liable for civil penalties. Also you must:
Pay ONRR late payment interest determined under § 1218.54 from the date your payment was due until the date ONRR receives it; and
If you dispose of your ownership interest in a marginal property for which you have taken relief under this section (or if you are a designee who reports and pays royalty for a lessee who has disposed of its ownership interest), you must:
Report and pay royalties for the portion of the calendar year for which you had an ownership interest; and
Make the report and payment by the end of the month after you dispose of the ownership interest in the marginal property. If you do not report and pay timely, you will owe interest determined under § 218.54 from the date the payment was due under this section.
Under this relief option, you may request any type of accounting and auditing relief that is appropriate for production from your marginal property, provided it is not prohibited under § 1204.204 and meets the statutory requirements of § 1204.5. Examples of relief options you could request are:
To report and pay royalties using a valuation method other than that required under 30 CFR part 1206 that approximates royalties payable under that part 1206; and
To reduce your royalty audit burden. However, ONRR will not consider any request that eliminates ONRR's or the States' right to audit.
You must request approval from ONRR under § 1204.205(b), and receive approval under § 1204.206 before taking relief under this option.
ONRR will not approve your request for accounting and auditing relief under this subpart if your request:
Requests relief for production from a marginal property located in whole or in part in a State that has determined that it will not allow such relief under § 1204.208.
To take cumulative reports and payments relief under § 1204.202, you must notify ONRR in writing by January 31 of the calendar year for which you begin taking your relief.
You may file a single request for multiple marginal properties if you are requesting the same relief for all properties.
When ONRR receives your request for other relief under § 204.1205(b), it will notify you in writing as follows:
If your request for relief is complete, ONRR may either approve, deny, or modify your request in writing after consultation with any State required under § 1204.207(b).
If ONRR approves your request for relief, ONRR will notify you of the effective date of your accounting or auditing relief and other specifics of the relief approved.
If ONRR denies your relief request, ONRR will notify you of the reasons for denial and your appeal rights under § 1204.6.
You have 60 days from your receipt of ONRR's notice to either accept or reject any modification(s) in writing.
If you reject the modification(s) or fail to respond to ONRR's notice, ONRR will deny your relief request. ONRR will notify you in writing of the reasons for denial and your appeal rights under § 1204.6.
If your request for relief is not complete, ONRR will notify you in writing that your request is incomplete and identify any missing information.
You must submit the missing information within 60 days of your receipt of ONRR's notice that your request is incomplete.
After you submit all required information, ONRR may approve, deny, or modify your request for relief under paragraph (a) of this section.
If you do not submit all required information within 60 days of your receipt of ONRR's notice that your request is incomplete, ONRR will deny your relief request. ONRR will notify you in writing of the reasons for denial and your appeal rights under § 1204.6.
You may submit a new request for relief under this subpart at any time after ONRR returns your incomplete request.
If there is not a State concerned for your marginal property, only ONRR will decide whether to approve, deny, or modify your relief request.
If there is a State concerned for your marginal property that has determined in advance under § 1204.208 that it will allow either or both of the relief options under this subpart, ONRR will decide whether to approve, deny, or modify your relief request after consulting with the State concerned.
Code of Federal Regulations
A State may decide in advance that it will or will not allow one or both of the relief options specified in this subpart for a particular calendar year. If a State decides that it will not consent to one or both of the relief options, ONRR will not grant that type of marginal property relief.
To help States decide whether to allow one or both of the relief options specified in this subpart, for each calendar year ONRR will send States a Report of Marginal Properties by October 1 preceding the calendar year.
If a State decides under paragraph (a) of this section that it will or will not allow one or both of the relief options in this subpart during the next calendar year, within 30 days of the State's receipt of the Report of Marginal Properties under paragraph (b) of this section, the State must:
Notify the Director for Office of Natural Resources Revenue, in writing, of its intent to allow or not allow one or both of the relief options under this subpart; and
If a State decides in advance under paragraph (a) of this section that it will not allow one or both of the relief options specified in this subpart, it may decide for subsequent calendar years that it will allow one or both of the relief options in this subpart. If it so decides, within 30 days of the State's receipt of the Report of Marginal Properties under paragraph (b) of this section, the State must:
Notify the Director for Office of Natural Resources Revenue, in writing, of its intent to allow one or both of the relief options allowed under this subpart during the next calendar year; and
If a State does not notify ONRR under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, the State will be deemed to have decided not to allow either of the relief options under this subpart for the next calendar year.
ONRR will publish a notice of the State s intent to allow or not allow certain relief options under this section in the Federal Register no later than 30 days before the beginning of the applicable calendar year.
A marginal property must qualify for relief under this subpart for each calendar year based on production during the base period for that calendar year. The notice or request you provided to ONRR under § 1204.205 for the first calendar year that the property qualified for relief remains effective for successive calendar years if the property continues to qualify.
If a property is no longer eligible for relief for any reason during a calendar year other than the reason under § 1204.210 or paragraph (c) of this section, the relief for the property terminates as of December 31 of that calendar year. You must notify ONRR in writing by December 31 that the relief for the property has terminated.
If you dispose of your interest in a marginal property during the calendar year, your relief terminates as of the end of the sales month in which you disposed of the property. Report and pay royalties for your production using the procedures in § 1204.202(e).
If the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or BOEMRE retroactively approves a marginal property that qualified for relief for inclusion as part of an agreement that does not qualify for relief under this subpart, the property no longer qualifies for relief under this subpart then:
ONRR will not retroactively rescind the marginal property relief for production from your property under § 1204.211 ;
Your marginal property relief terminates as of December 31 of the calendar year that you receive the BLM or BOEMRE approval of your marginal property as part of a nonqualifying agreement; and
For the calendar year in which you receive the BLM or BOEMRE approval, and for any previous period affected by the approval, the volumes on which you report and pay royalty for your lease must be amended to reflect all volumes produced on or allocated to your lease under the nonqualifying agreement as modified by BLM or BOEMRE. Report and pay royalties for your production using the procedures in § 1204.202(b).
If you owe additional royalties based on the retroactive agreement approval and do not pay your royalty by the date due in § 1204.202(b), you will owe late payment interest determined under § 1218.54 from the date your payment was due under § 1204.202 (b)(2) until the date ONRR receives it.
ONRR may retroactively rescind the relief for your property if ONRR determines that your property was not eligible for the relief obtained under this subpart because:
You submitted erroneous information in the notice or request for relief you provided to ONRR under § 1204.205 or in your royalty or production reports; or
Your property is no longer eligible for relief because production increased, but you failed to provide the notice required under § 1204.209(b).
If you took relief under this subpart for a period for which you were not eligible, you:
May owe additional royalties and late payment interest determined under § 1218.54 from the date your additional payments were due until the date ONRR receives them; and
You may obtain accounting and auditing relief for production from a marginal property under this subpart even if the property benefits from other Federal or State production incentive programs.
If you took cumulative royalty reports and payment relief on a property under this subpart, minimum royalty is still due for that property by the date prescribed in your lease and in the amount prescribed therein.
If you pay minimum royalty on production from a marginal property during a calendar year for which you are taking cumulative royalty reports and payment relief, and:
The annual payment you owe under this subpart is greater than the minimum royalty you paid, you must pay the difference between the minimum royalty you paid and your annual payment due under this subpart; or
The annual payment you owe under this subpart is less than the minimum royalty you paid, you are not entitled to a credit because you must pay at least the minimum royalty amount on your lease each year.
OMB has approved the information collection requirements contained in this subpart under 44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq., and assigned OMB control number 1010-0155. See 30 CFR part 1210 for details concerning your estimated reporting burden and how you may comment on the accuracy of the burden estimate.