1204.202—What is the cumulative royalty reports and payments relief option?
The cumulative royalty reports and payments relief option allows you to submit one royalty report and payment annually for production during a calendar year. You are eligible for this option only if the total volume produced from the marginal property (not just your share of the production) is 1,000 BOE or less during the base period.
To use the cumulative royalty reports and payments relief option, you must do all of the following:
Notify ONRR in writing by January 31 of the calendar year for which you begin taking your relief. See § 1204.205(a) for what your notification must contain;
Submit your royalty report and payment in accordance with 30 CFR 1218.51(g) by the end of February of the year following the calendar year for which you reported annually, unless you have an estimated payment on file. If you have an estimated payment on file, you must submit your royalty report and payment by the end of March of the year following the calendar year for which you reported annually;
Use the sales month prior to the month that you submit your annual report and payment under paragraph (b)(2) of this section on your Report of Sales and Royalty Remittance, Form MMS-2014, for the entire previous calendar year's production for which you are paying annually. (For example, for a report in February use January as your sales month, and for a report in March use February as your sales month, to report production for the entire previous calendar year for which you are paying annually);
Report one line of cumulative royalty information on Form MMS-2014 for the calendar year, the same as if it were a monthly report; and
Report allowances on Form MMS-2014 on the same annual basis as the royalties for your marginal property production.
If you do not pay your royalty by the date due in paragraph (b) of this section, you will owe late payment interest determined under 30 CFR 1218.54 from the date your payment was due under this section until the date ONRR receives it.
If you take relief you are not qualified for, you may be liable for civil penalties. Also you must:
Pay ONRR late payment interest determined under § 1218.54 from the date your payment was due until the date ONRR receives it; and
If you dispose of your ownership interest in a marginal property for which you have taken relief under this section (or if you are a designee who reports and pays royalty for a lessee who has disposed of its ownership interest), you must:
Report and pay royalties for the portion of the calendar year for which you had an ownership interest; and
Make the report and payment by the end of the month after you dispose of the ownership interest in the marginal property. If you do not report and pay timely, you will owe interest determined under § 218.54 from the date the payment was due under this section.