§ 4082. Use of insurance pool, companies, or other private organizations for certain payments

(a) Authorization to enter into contracts for certain responsibilities
In order to provide for maximum efficiency in the administration of the flood insurance program and in order to facilitate the expeditious payment of any Federal funds under such program, the Director may enter into contracts with pool formed or otherwise created under section 4051 of this title, or any insurance company or other private organizations, for the purpose of securing performance by such pool, company, or organization of any or all of the following responsibilities:
(1) estimating and later determining any amounts of payments to be made;
(2) receiving from the Director, disbursing, and accounting for funds in making such payments;
(3) making such audits of the records of any insurance company or other insurer, insurance agent or broker, or insurance adjustment organization as may be necessary to assure that proper payments are made; and
(4) otherwise assisting in such manner as the contract may provide to further the purposes of this chapter.
(b) Terms and conditions of contract
Any contract with the pool or an insurance company or other private organization under this section may contain such terms and conditions as the Director finds necessary or appropriate for carrying out responsibilities under subsection (a) of this section, and may provide for payment of any costs which the Director determines are incidental to carrying out such responsibilities which are covered by the contract.
(c) Competitive bidding
Any contract entered into under subsection (a) of this section may be entered into without regard to section 5 of title 41 or any other provision of law requiring competitive bidding.
(d) Findings of Director
No contract may be entered into under this section unless the Director finds that the pool, company, or organization will perform its obligations under the contract efficiently and effectively, and will meet such requirements as to financial responsibility, legal authority, and other matters as he finds pertinent.
(e) Bond; liability of certifying officers and disbursing officers
(1) Any such contract may require the pool, company, or organization or any of its officers or employees certifying payments or disbursing funds pursuant to the contract, or otherwise participating in carrying out the contract, to give surety bond to the United States in such amount as the Director may deem appropriate.
(2) No individual designated pursuant to a contract under this section to certify payments shall, in the absence of gross negligence or intent to defraud the United States, be liable with respect to any payment certified by him under this section.
(3) No officer disbursing funds shall in the absence of gross negligence or intent to defraud the United States, be liable with respect to any payment by him under this section if it was based upon a voucher signed by an individual designated to certify payments as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(f) Term of contract; renewals; termination
Any contract entered into under this section shall be for a term of one year, and may be made automatically renewable from term to term in the absence of notice by either party of an intention to terminate at the end of the current term; except that the Director may terminate any such contract at any time (after reasonable notice to the pool, company, or organization involved) if he finds that the pool, company, or organization has failed substantially to carry out the contract, or is carrying out the contract in a manner inconsistent with the efficient and effective administration of the flood insurance program authorized under this chapter.