§ 4051. Industry flood insurance pool; requirements for participation

(a) The Director is authorized to encourage and otherwise assist any insurance companies and other insurers which meet the requirements prescribed under subsection (b) of this section to form, associate, or otherwise join together in a pool—
(1) in order to provide the flood insurance coverage authorized under subchapter I of this chapter; and
(2) for the purpose of assuming, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, such financial responsibility as will enable such companies and other insurers, with the Federal financial and other assistance available under this chapter, to assume a reasonable proportion of responsibility for the adjustment and payment of claims for losses under the flood insurance program.
(b) In order to promote the effective administration of the flood insurance program under this part, and to assure that the objectives of this chapter are furthered, the Director is authorized to prescribe appropriate requirements for insurance companies and other insurers participating in such pool including, but not limited to, minimum requirements for capital or surplus or assets.