§ 1395l. Payment of benefits

(a) Amounts
Except as provided in section 1395mm of this title, and subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, there shall be paid from the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, in the case of each individual who is covered under the insurance program established by this part and incurs expenses for services with respect to which benefits are payable under this part, amounts equal to—
(1) in the case of services described in section 1395k (a)(1) of this title—80 percent of the reasonable charges for the services; except that (A) an organization which provides medical and other health services (or arranges for their availability) on a prepayment basis (and either is sponsored by a union or employer, or does not provide, or arrange for the provision of, any inpatient hospital services) may elect to be paid 80 percent of the reasonable cost of services for which payment may be made under this part on behalf of individuals enrolled in such organization in lieu of 80 percent of the reasonable charges for such services if the organization undertakes to charge such individuals no more than 20 percent of such reasonable cost plus any amounts payable by them as a result of subsection (b) of this section, (B) with respect to items and services described in section 1395x (s)(10)(A) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 100 percent of the reasonable charges for such items and services, (C) with respect to expenses incurred for those physicians’ services for which payment may be made under this part that are described in section 1395y (a)(4) of this title, the amounts paid shall be subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by regulations, (D) with respect to clinical diagnostic laboratory tests for which payment is made under this part (i) on the basis of a fee schedule under subsection (h)(1) of this section or section 1395m (d)(1) of this title, the amount paid shall be equal to 80 percent (or 100 percent, in the case of such tests for which payment is made on an assignment-related basis) of the lesser of the amount determined under such fee schedule, the limitation amount for that test determined under subsection (h)(4)(B) of this section, or the amount of the charges billed for the tests, or (ii) on the basis of a negotiated rate established under subsection (h)(6) of this section, the amount paid shall be equal to 100 percent of such negotiated rate,,[1] (E) with respect to services furnished to individuals who have been determined to have end stage renal disease, the amounts paid shall be determined subject to the provisions of section 1395rr of this title, (F) with respect to clinical social worker services under section 1395x (s)(2)(N) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of (i) the actual charge for the services or (ii) 75 percent of the amount determined for payment of a psychologist under clause (L), (G) with respect to facility services furnished in connection with a surgical procedure specified pursuant to subsection (i)(1)(A) of this section and furnished to an individual in an ambulatory surgical center described in such subsection, for services furnished beginning with the implementation date of a revised payment system for such services in such facilities specified in subsection (i)(2)(D) of this section, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or the amount determined by the Secretary under such revised payment system, (H) with respect to services of a certified registered nurse anesthetist under section 1395x (s)(11) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the least of the actual charge, the prevailing charge that would be recognized (or, for services furnished on or after January 1, 1992, the fee schedule amount provided under section 1395w–4 of this title) if the services had been performed by an anesthesiologist, or the fee schedule for such services established by the Secretary in accordance with subsection (l) of this section, (I) with respect to covered items (described in section 1395m (a)(13) of this title), the amounts paid shall be the amounts described in section 1395m (a)(1) of this title, and [2] (J) with respect to expenses incurred for radiologist services (as defined in section 1395m (b)(6) of this title), subject to section 1395w–4 of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or the amount provided under the fee schedule established under section 1395m (b) of this title, (K) with respect to certified nurse-midwife services under section 1395x (s)(2)(L) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or the amount determined by a fee schedule established by the Secretary for the purposes of this subparagraph (but in no event shall such fee schedule exceed 65 percent of the prevailing charge that would be allowed for the same service performed by a physician, or, for services furnished on or after January 1, 1992, 65 percent of the fee schedule amount provided under section 1395w–4 of this title for the same service performed by a physician), (L) with respect to qualified psychologist services under section 1395x (s)(2)(M) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or the amount determined by a fee schedule established by the Secretary for the purposes of this subparagraph, (M) with respect to prosthetic devices and orthotics and prosthetics (as defined in section 1395m (h)(4) of this title), the amounts paid shall be the amounts described in section 1395m (h)(1) of this title, (N) with respect to expenses incurred for physicians’ services (as defined in section 1395w–4 (j)(3) of this title), the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the payment basis determined under section 1395w–4 (a)(1) of this title, (O) with respect to services described in section 1395x (s)(2)(K) of this title (relating to services furnished by physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or clinic nurse specialists), the amounts paid shall be equal to 80 percent of (i) the lesser of the actual charge or 85 percent of the fee schedule amount provided under section 1395w–4 of this title, or (ii) in the case of services as an assistant at surgery, the lesser of the actual charge or 85 percent of the amount that would otherwise be recognized if performed by a physician who is serving as an assistant at surgery, (P) with respect to surgical dressings, the amounts paid shall be the amounts determined under section 1395m (i) of this title, (Q) with respect to items or services for which fee schedules are established pursuant to section 1395u (s) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge or the fee schedule established in such section, (R) with respect to ambulance services, (i) the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or the amount determined by a fee schedule established by the Secretary under section 1395m (l) of this title and (ii) with respect to ambulance services described in section 1395m (l)(8) of this title, the amounts paid shall be the amounts determined under section 1395m (g) of this title for outpatient critical access hospital services, (S) with respect to drugs and biologicals (including intravenous immune globulin (as defined in section 1395x (zz) of this title)) not paid on a cost or prospective payment basis as otherwise provided in this part (other than items and services described in subparagraph (B)), the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge or the payment amount established in section 1395u (o) of this title (or, if applicable, under section 1395w–3, 1395w–3a, or 1395w–3b of this title), (T) with respect to medical nutrition therapy services (as defined in section 1395x (vv) of this title), the amount paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the services or 85 percent of the amount determined under the fee schedule established under section 1395w–4 (b) of this title for the same services if furnished by a physician, (U) with respect to facility fees described in section 1395m (m)(2)(B) of this title, the amounts paid shall be 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge or the amounts specified in such section, (V) notwithstanding subparagraphs (I) (relating to durable medical equipment), (M) (relating to prosthetic devices and orthotics and prosthetics), and (Q) (relating to 1395u(s) items), with respect to competitively priced items and services (described in section 1395w–3 (a)(2) of this title) that are furnished in a competitive area, the amounts paid shall be the amounts described in section 1395w–3 (b)(5) of this title, and (W) with respect to additional preventive services (as defined in section 1395x (ddd)(1) of this title), the amount paid shall be (i) in the case of such services which are clinical diagnostic laboratory tests, the amount determined under subparagraph (D), and (ii) in the case of all other such services, 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the service or the amount determined under a fee schedule established by the Secretary for purposes of this subparagraph;
(2) in the case of services described in section 1395k (a)(2) of this title (except those services described in subparagraphs (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), and (I) of such section and unless otherwise specified in section 1395rr of this title)—
(A) with respect to home health services (other than a covered osteoporosis drug) (as defined in section 1395x (kk) of this title), the amount determined under the prospective payment system under section 1395fff of this title;
(B) with respect to other items and services (except those described in subparagraph (C), (D), or (E) of this paragraph and except as may be provided in section 1395ww of this title or section 1395yy (e)(9) of this title)—
(i) furnished before January 1, 1999, the lesser of—
(I) the reasonable cost of such services, as determined under section 1395x (v) of this title, or
(II) the customary charges with respect to such services,
 less the amount a provider may charge as described in clause (ii) of section 1395cc (a)(2)(A) of this title, but in no case may the payment for such other services exceed 80 percent of such reasonable cost, or
(ii) if such services are furnished before January 1, 1999, by a public provider of services, or by another provider which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that a significant portion of its patients are low-income (and requests that payment be made under this clause), free of charge or at nominal charges to the public, 80 percent of the amount determined in accordance with section 1395f (b)(2) of this title, or
(iii) if such services are furnished on or after January 1, 1999, the amount determined under subsection (t) of this section, or
(iv) if (and for so long as) the conditions described in section 1395f (b)(3) of this title are met, the amounts determined under the reimbursement system described in such section;
(C) with respect to services described in the second sentence of section 1395x (p) of this title, 80 percent of the reasonable charges for such services;
(D) with respect to clinical diagnostic laboratory tests for which payment is made under this part (i) on the basis of a fee schedule determined under subsection (h)(1) of this section or section 1395m (d)(1) of this title, the amount paid shall be equal to 80 percent (or 100 percent, in the case of such tests for which payment is made on an assignment-related basis or to a provider having an agreement under section 1395cc of this title) of the lesser of the amount determined under such fee schedule, the limitation amount for that test determined under subsection (h)(4)(B) of this section, or the amount of the charges billed for the tests, or (ii) on the basis of a negotiated rate established under subsection (h)(6) of this section, the amount paid shall be equal to 100 percent of such negotiated rate for such tests;
(E) with respect to—
(i) outpatient hospital radiology services (including diagnostic and therapeutic radiology, nuclear medicine and CAT scan procedures, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound and other imaging services, but excluding screening mammography and, for services furnished on or after January 1, 2005, diagnostic mammography), and
(ii) effective for procedures performed on or after October 1, 1989, diagnostic procedures (as defined by the Secretary) described in section 1395x (s)(3) of this title (other than diagnostic x-ray tests and diagnostic laboratory tests),
the amount determined under subsection (n) of this section or, for services or procedures performed on or after January 1, 1999, subsection (t) of this section;
(F) with respect to a covered osteoporosis drug (as defined in section 1395x (kk) of this title) furnished by a home health agency, 80 percent of the reasonable cost of such service, as determined under section 1395x (v) of this title; and
(G) with respect to items and services described in section 1395x (s)(10)(A) of this title, the lesser of—
(i) the reasonable cost of such services, as determined under section 1395x (v) of this title, or
(ii) the customary charges with respect to such services,
or, if such services are furnished by a public provider of services, or by another provider which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that a significant portion of its patients are low-income (and requests that payment be made under this provision), free of charge or at nominal charges to the public, the amount determined in accordance with section 1395f (b)(2) of this title;
(3) in the case of services described in section 1395k (a)(2)(D) of this title—
(A) except as provided in subparagraph (B), the costs which are reasonable and related to the cost of furnishing such services or which are based on such other tests of reasonableness as the Secretary may prescribe in regulations, including those authorized under section 1395x (v)(1)(A) of this title, less the amount a provider may charge as described in clause (ii) of section 1395cc (a)(2)(A) of this title, but in no case may the payment for such services (other than for items and services described in section 1395x (s)(10)(A) of this title) exceed 80 percent of such costs; or
(B) with respect to the services described in clause (ii) of section 1395k (a)(2)(D) of this title that are furnished to an individual enrolled with a MA plan under part C of this subchapter pursuant to a written agreement described in section 1395w–23 (a)(4) of this title, the amount (if any) by which—
(i) the amount of payment that would have otherwise been provided under subparagraph (A) (calculated as if “100 percent” were substituted for “80 percent” in such subparagraph) for such services if the individual had not been so enrolled; exceeds
(ii) the amount of the payments received under such written agreement for such services (not including any financial incentives provided for in such agreement such as risk pool payments, bonuses, or withholds),
less the amount the federally qualified health center may charge as described in section 1395w–27 (e)(3)(B) of this title;
(4) in the case of facility services described in section 1395k (a)(2)(F) of this title, and outpatient hospital facility services furnished in connection with surgical procedures specified by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (i)(1)(A) of this section, the applicable amount as determined under paragraph (2) or (3) of subsection (i) of this section or subsection (t) of this section;
(5) in the case of covered items (described in section 1395m (a)(13) of this title) the amounts described in section 1395m (a)(1) of this title;
(6) in the case of outpatient critical access hospital services, the amounts described in section 1395m (g) of this title;
(7) in the case of prosthetic devices and orthotics and prosthetics (as described in section 1395m (h)(4) of this title), the amounts described in section 1395m (h) of this title;
(8) in the case of—
(A) outpatient physical therapy services, outpatient speech-language pathology services, and outpatient occupational therapy services furnished—
(i) by a rehabilitation agency, public health agency, clinic, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility, or skilled nursing facility,
(ii) by a home health agency to an individual who is not homebound, or
(iii) by another entity under an arrangement with an entity described in clause (i) or (ii); and
(B) outpatient physical therapy services, outpatient speech-language pathology services, and outpatient occupational therapy services furnished—
(i) by a hospital to an outpatient or to a hospital inpatient who is entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter but has exhausted benefits for inpatient hospital services during a spell of illness or is not so entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter, or
(ii) by another entity under an arrangement with a hospital described in clause (i),
the amounts described in section 1395m (k) of this title; and
(9) in the case of services described in section 1395k (a)(2)(E) of this title that are not described in paragraph (8), the amounts described in section 1395m (k) of this title.
(b) Deductible provision
Before applying subsection (a) of this section with respect to expenses incurred by an individual during any calendar year, the total amount of the expenses incurred by such individual during such year (which would, except for this subsection, constitute incurred expenses from which benefits payable under subsection (a) of this section are determinable) shall be reduced by a deductible of $75 for calendar years before 1991, $100 for 1991 through 2004, $110 for 2005, and for a subsequent year the amount of such deductible for the previous year increased by the annual percentage increase in the monthly actuarial rate under section 1395r (a)(1) of this title ending with such subsequent year (rounded to the nearest $1); except that
(1) such total amount shall not include expenses incurred for items and services described in section 1395x (s)(10)(A) of this title,
(2) such deductible shall not apply with respect to home health services (other than a covered osteoporosis drug (as defined in section 1395x (kk) of this title)),
(3) such deductible shall not apply with respect to clinical diagnostic laboratory tests for which payment is made under this part (A) under subsection (a)(1)(D)(i) or (a)(2)(D)(i) of this section on an assignment-related basis, or to a provider having an agreement under section 1395cc of this title, or
(B) on the basis of a negotiated rate determined under subsection (h)(6) of this section,
(4) such deductible shall not apply to Federally qualified health center services,
(5) such deductible shall not apply with respect to screening mammography (as described in section 1395x (jj) of this title),
(6) such deductible shall not apply with respect to screening pap smear and screening pelvic exam (as described in section 1395x (nn) of this title),
(7) such deductible shall not apply with respect to ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (as defined in section 1395x (bbb) of this title),
(8) such deductible shall not apply with respect to colorectal cancer screening tests (as described in section 1395x (pp)(1) of this title), and
(9) such deductible shall not apply with respect to an initial preventive physical examination (as defined in section 1395x (ww) of this title). The total amount of the expenses incurred by an individual as determined under the preceding sentence shall, after the reduction specified in such sentence, be further reduced by an amount equal to the expenses incurred for the first three pints of whole blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as defined under regulations) furnished to the individual during the calendar year, except that such deductible for such blood shall in accordance with regulations be appropriately reduced to the extent that there has been a replacement of such blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined); and for such purposes blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) furnished such individual shall be deemed replaced when the institution or other person furnishing such blood (or such equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) is given one pint of blood for each pint of blood (or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as so defined) furnished such individual with respect to which a deduction is made under this sentence. The deductible under the previous sentence for blood or blood cells furnished an individual in a year shall be reduced to the extent that a deductible has been imposed under section 1395e (a)(2) of this title to blood or blood cells furnished the individual in the year.
(c) Mental disorders
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, with respect to expenses incurred in a calendar year in connection with the treatment of mental, psychoneurotic, and personality disorders of an individual who is not an inpatient of a hospital at the time such expenses are incurred, there shall be considered as incurred expenses for purposes of subsections (a) and (b)—
(A) for expenses incurred in years prior to 2010, only 621/2 percent of such expenses;
(B) for expenses incurred in 2010 or 2011, only 683/4 percent of such expenses;
(C) for expenses incurred in 2012, only 75 percent of such expenses;
(D) for expenses incurred in 2013, only 811/4 percent of such expenses; and
(E) for expenses incurred in 2014 or any subsequent calendar year, 100 percent of such expenses.
(2) For purposes of subparagraphs (A) through (D) of paragraph (1), the term “treatment” does not include brief office visits (as defined by the Secretary) for the sole purpose of monitoring or changing drug prescriptions used in the treatment of such disorders or partial hospitalization services that are not directly provided by a physician.
(d) Nonduplication of payments
No payment may be made under this part with respect to any services furnished an individual to the extent that such individual is entitled (or would be entitled except for section 1395e of this title) to have payment made with respect to such services under part A of this subchapter.
(e) Information for determination of amounts due
No payment shall be made to any provider of services or other person under this part unless there has been furnished such information as may be necessary in order to determine the amounts due such provider or other person under this part for the period with respect to which the amounts are being paid or for any prior period.
(f) Maximum rate of payment per visit for independent rural health clinics
In establishing limits under subsection (a) of this section on payment for rural health clinic services provided by rural health clinics (other than such clinics in hospitals with less than 50 beds), the Secretary shall establish such limit, for services provided—
(1) in 1988, after March 31, at $46 per visit, and
(2) in a subsequent year, at the limit established under this subsection for the previous year increased by the percentage increase in the MEI (as defined in section 1395u (i)(3) of this title) applicable to primary care services (as defined in section 1395u (i)(4) of this title) furnished as of the first day of that year.
(g) Physical therapy services
(1) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), in the case of physical therapy services of the type described in section 1395x (p) of this title and speech-language pathology services of the type described in such section through the application of section 1395x (ll)(2) of this title, but not described in subsection (a)(8)(B) of this section, and physical therapy services and speech-language pathology services of such type which are furnished by a physician or as incident to physicians’ services, with respect to expenses incurred in any calendar year, no more than the amount specified in paragraph (2) for the year shall be considered as incurred expenses for purposes of subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
(2) The amount specified in this paragraph—
(A) for 1999, 2000, and 2001, is $1,500, and
(B) for a subsequent year is the amount specified in this paragraph for the preceding year increased by the percentage increase in the MEI (as defined in section 1395u (i)(3) of this title) for such subsequent year;
except that if an increase under subparagraph (B) for a year is not a multiple of $10, it shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $10.
(3) Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), in the case of occupational therapy services (of the type that are described in section 1395x (p) of this title (but not described in subsection (a)(8)(B) of this section) through the operation of section 1395x (g) of this title and of such type which are furnished by a physician or as incident to physicians’ services), with respect to expenses incurred in any calendar year, no more than the amount specified in paragraph (2) for the year shall be considered as incurred expenses for purposes of subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
(4) This subsection shall not apply to expenses incurred with respect to services furnished during 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, and 2005.
(5) With respect to expenses incurred during the period beginning on January 1, 2006, and ending on December 31, 2009, for services, the Secretary shall implement a process under which an individual enrolled under this part may, upon request of the individual or a person on behalf of the individual, obtain an exception from the uniform dollar limitation specified in paragraph (2), for services described in paragraphs (1) and (3) if the provision of such services is determined to be medically necessary. Under such process, if the Secretary does not make a decision on such a request for an exception within 10 business days of the date of the Secretary’s receipt of the request, the Secretary shall be deemed to have found the services to be medically necessary.
(h) Fee schedules for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests; percentage of prevailing charge level; nominal fee for samples; adjustments; recipients of payments; negotiated payment rate
(A) Subject to section 1395m (d)(1) of this title, the Secretary shall establish fee schedules for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests (including prostate cancer screening tests under section 1395x (oo) of this title consisting of prostate-specific antigen blood tests) for which payment is made under this part, other than such tests performed by a provider of services for an inpatient of such provider.
(B) In the case of clinical diagnostic laboratory tests performed by a physician or by a laboratory (other than tests performed by a qualified hospital laboratory (as defined in subparagraph (D)) for outpatients of such hospital), the fee schedules established under subparagraph (A) shall be established on a regional, statewide, or carrier service area basis (as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate) for tests furnished on or after July 1, 1984.
(C) In the case of clinical diagnostic laboratory tests performed by a qualified hospital laboratory (as defined in subparagraph (D)) for outpatients of such hospital, the fee schedules established under subparagraph (A) shall be established on a regional, statewide, or carrier service area basis (as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate) for tests furnished on or after July 1, 1984.
(D) In this subsection, the term “qualified hospital laboratory” means a hospital laboratory, in a sole community hospital (as defined in section 1395ww (d)(5)(D)(iii) of this title), which provides some clinical diagnostic laboratory tests 24 hours a day in order to serve a hospital emergency room which is available to provide services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
(i) Except as provided in paragraph (4), the Secretary shall set the fee schedules at 60 percent (or, in the case of a test performed by a qualified hospital laboratory (as defined in paragraph (1)(D)) for outpatients of such hospital, 62 percent) of the prevailing charge level determined pursuant to the third and fourth sentences of section 1395u (b)(3) of this title for similar clinical diagnostic laboratory tests for the applicable region, State, or area for the 12-month period beginning July 1, 1984, adjusted annually (to become effective on January 1 of each year) by a percentage increase or decrease equal to the percentage increase or decrease in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (United States city average) minus, for each of the years 2009 through 2013, 0.5 percentage points, and subject to such other adjustments as the Secretary determines are justified by technological changes.
(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i)—
(I) any change in the fee schedules which would have become effective under this subsection for tests furnished on or after January 1, 1988, shall not be effective for tests furnished during the 3-month period beginning on January 1, 1988,
(II) the Secretary shall not adjust the fee schedules under clause (i) to take into account any increase in the consumer price index for 1988,
(III) the annual adjustment in the fee schedules determined under clause (i) for each of the years 1991, 1992, and 1993 shall be 2 percent, and
(IV) the annual adjustment in the fee schedules determined under clause (i) for each of the years 1994 and 1995, 1998 through 2002, and 2004 through 2008 shall be 0 percent.
(iii) In establishing fee schedules under clause (i) with respect to automated tests and tests (other than cytopathology tests) which before July 1, 1984, the Secretary made subject to a limit based on lowest charge levels under the sixth sentence of section 1395u (b)(3) of this title performed after March 31, 1988, the Secretary shall reduce by 8.3 percent the fee schedules otherwise established for 1988, and such reduced fee schedules shall serve as the base for 1989 and subsequent years.
(B) The Secretary may make further adjustments or exceptions to the fee schedules to assure adequate reimbursement of
(i) emergency laboratory tests needed for the provision of bona fide emergency services, and
(ii) certain low volume high-cost tests where highly sophisticated equipment or extremely skilled personnel are necessary to assure quality.
(3) In addition to the amounts provided under the fee schedules, the Secretary shall provide for and establish
(A) a nominal fee to cover the appropriate costs in collecting the sample on which a clinical diagnostic laboratory test was performed and for which payment is made under this part, except that not more than one such fee may be provided under this paragraph with respect to samples collected in the same encounter, and
(B) a fee to cover the transportation and personnel expenses for trained personnel to travel to the location of an individual to collect the sample, except that such a fee may be provided only with respect to an individual who is homebound or an inpatient in an inpatient facility (other than a hospital). In establishing a fee to cover the transportation and personnel expenses for trained personnel to travel to the location of an individual to collect a sample, the Secretary shall provide a method for computing the fee based on the number of miles traveled and the personnel costs associated with the collection of each individual sample, but the Secretary shall only be required to apply such method in the case of tests furnished during the period beginning on April 1, 1989, and ending on December 31, 1990, by a laboratory that establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary (based on data for the 12-month period ending June 30, 1988) that
(i) the laboratory is dependent upon payments under this subchapter for at least 80 percent of its collected revenues for clinical diagnostic laboratory tests,
(ii) at least 85 percent of its gross revenues for such tests are attributable to tests performed with respect to individuals who are homebound or who are residents in a nursing facility, and
(iii) the laboratory provided such tests for residents in nursing facilities representing at least 20 percent of the number of such facilities in the State in which the laboratory is located.
(A) In establishing any fee schedule under this subsection, the Secretary may provide for an adjustment to take into account, with respect to the portion of the expenses of clinical diagnostic laboratory tests attributable to wages, the relative difference between a region’s or local area’s wage rates and the wage rate presumed in the data on which the schedule is based.
(B) For purposes of subsections (a)(1)(D)(i) and (a)(2)(D)(i) of this section, the limitation amount for a clinical diagnostic laboratory test performed—
(i) on or after July 1, 1986, and before April 1, 1988, is equal to 115 percent of the median of all the fee schedules established for that test for that laboratory setting under paragraph (1),
(ii) after March 31, 1988, and before January 1, 1990, is equal to the median of all the fee schedules established for that test for that laboratory setting under paragraph (1),
(iii) after December 31, 1989, and before January 1, 1991, is equal to 93 percent of the median of all the fee schedules established for that test for that laboratory setting under paragraph (1),
(iv) after December 31, 1990, and before January 1, 1994, is equal to 88 percent of such median,
(v) after December 31, 1993, and before January 1, 1995, is equal to 84 percent of such median,
(vi) after December 31, 1994, and before January 1, 1996, is equal to 80 percent of such median,
(vii) after December 31, 1995, and before January 1, 1998, is equal to 76 percent of such median, and
(viii) after December 31, 1997, is equal to 74 percent of such median (or 100 percent of such median in the case of a clinical diagnostic laboratory test performed on or after January 1, 2001, that the Secretary determines is a new test for which no limitation amount has previously been established under this subparagraph).
(A) In the case of a bill or request for payment for a clinical diagnostic laboratory test for which payment may otherwise be made under this part on an assignment-related basis or under a provider agreement under section