§ 1395ww. Payments to hospitals for inpatient hospital services

(a) Determination of costs for inpatient hospital services; limitations; exemptions; “operating costs of inpatient hospital services” defined
(i) The Secretary, in determining the amount of the payments that may be made under this subchapter with respect to operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in paragraph (4)) shall not recognize as reasonable (in the efficient delivery of health services) costs for the provision of such services by a hospital for a cost reporting period to the extent such costs exceed the applicable percentage (as determined under clause (ii)) of the average of such costs for all hospitals in the same grouping as such hospital for comparable time periods.
(ii) For purposes of clause (i), the applicable percentage for hospital cost reporting periods beginning—
(I) on or after October 1, 1982, and before October 1, 1983, is 120 percent;
(II) on or after October 1, 1983, and before October 1, 1984, is 115 percent; and
(III) on or after October 1, 1984, is 110 percent.
(i) For purposes of subparagraph (A) the Secretary shall establish case mix indexes for all short-term hospitals, and shall set limits for each hospital based upon the general mix of types of medical cases with respect to which such hospital provides services for which payment may be made under this subchapter.
(ii) The Secretary shall set such limits for a cost reporting period of a hospital—
(I) by updating available data for a previous period to the immediate preceding cost reporting period by the estimated average rate of change of hospital costs industry-wide, and
(II) by projecting for the cost reporting period by the applicable percentage increase (as defined in subsection (b)(3)(B) of this section).
(C) The limitation established under subparagraph (A) for any hospital shall in no event be lower than the allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in paragraph (4)) recognized under this subchapter for such hospital for such hospital’s last cost reporting period prior to the hospital’s first cost reporting period for which this section is in effect.
(D) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983.
(2) The Secretary shall provide for such exemptions from, and exceptions and adjustments to, the limitation established under paragraph (1)(A) as he deems appropriate, including those which he deems necessary to take into account—
(A) the special needs of sole community hospitals, of new hospitals, of risk based health maintenance organizations, and of hospitals which provide atypical services or essential community services, and to take into account extraordinary circumstances beyond the hospital’s control, medical and paramedical education costs, significantly fluctuating population in the service area of the hospital, and unusual labor costs,
(B) the special needs of psychiatric hospitals and of public or other hospitals that serve a significantly disproportionate number of patients who have low income or are entitled to benefits under part A of this subchapter, and
(C) a decrease in the inpatient hospital services that a hospital provides and that are customarily provided directly by similar hospitals which results in a significant distortion in the operating costs of inpatient hospital services.
(3) The limitation established under paragraph (1)(A) shall not apply with respect to any hospital which—
(A) is located outside of a standard metropolitan statistical area, and
(i) has less than 50 beds, and
(ii) was in operation and had less than 50 beds on September 3, 1982.
(4) For purposes of this section, the term “operating costs of inpatient hospital services” includes all routine operating costs, ancillary service operating costs, and special care unit operating costs with respect to inpatient hospital services as such costs are determined on an average per admission or per discharge basis (as determined by the Secretary), and includes the costs of all services for which payment may be made under this subchapter that are provided by the hospital (or by an entity wholly owned or operated by the hospital) to the patient during the 3 days (or, in the case of a hospital that is not a subsection (d) hospital, during the 1 day) immediately preceding the date of the patient’s admission if such services are diagnostic services (including clinical diagnostic laboratory tests) or are other services related to the admission (as defined by the Secretary). Such term does not include costs of approved educational activities, a return on equity capital, other capital-related costs (as defined by the Secretary for periods before October 1, 1987), or costs with respect to administering blood clotting factors to individuals with hemophilia.
(b) Computation of payment; definitions; exemptions; adjustments
(1) Notwithstanding section 1395f (b) of this title but subject to the provisions of section 1395e of this title, if the operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in subsection (a)(4) of this section) of a hospital (other than a subsection (d) hospital, as defined in subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section and other than a rehabilitation facility described in subsection (j)(1) of this section) for a cost reporting period subject to this paragraph—
(A) are less than or equal to the target amount (as defined in paragraph (3)) for that hospital for that period, the amount of the payment with respect to such operating costs payable under part A of this subchapter on a per discharge or per admission basis (as the case may be) shall be equal to the amount of such operating costs, plus—
(i) 15 percent of the amount by which the target amount exceeds the amount of the operating costs, or
(ii) 2 percent of the target amount,
whichever is less;
(B) are greater than the target amount but do not exceed 110 percent of the target amount, the amount of the payment with respect to those operating costs payable under part A of this subchapter on a per discharge basis shall equal the target amount; or
(C) are greater than 110 percent of the target amount, the amount of the payment with respect to such operating costs payable under part A of this subchapter on a per discharge or per admission basis (as the case may be) shall be equal to
(i) the target amount, plus
(ii) in the case of cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1991, an additional amount equal to 50 percent of the amount by which the operating costs exceed 110 percent of the target amount (except that such additional amount may not exceed 10 percent of the target amount) after any exceptions or adjustments are made to such target amount for the cost reporting period;
plus the amount, if any, provided under paragraph (2), except that in no case may the amount payable under this subchapter (other than on the basis of a DRG prospective payment rate determined under subsection (d) of this section) with respect to operating costs of inpatient hospital services exceed the maximum amount payable with respect to such costs pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (E), in addition to the payment computed under paragraph (1), in the case of an eligible hospital (described in subparagraph (B)) for a cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 1997, the amount of payment on a per discharge basis under paragraph (1) shall be increased by the lesser of—
(i) 50 percent of the amount by which the operating costs are less than the expected costs (as defined in subparagraph (D)) for the period; or
(ii) 1 percent of the target amount for the period.
(B) For purposes of this paragraph, an “eligible hospital” means with respect to a cost reporting period, a hospital—
(i) that has received payments under this subsection for at least 3 full cost reporting periods before that cost reporting period, and
(ii) whose operating costs for the period are less than the least of its target amount, its trended costs (as defined in subparagraph (C)), or its expected costs (as defined in subparagraph (D)) for the period.
(C) For purposes of subparagraph (B)(ii), the term “trended costs” means for a hospital cost reporting period ending in a fiscal year—
(i) in the case of a hospital for which its cost reporting period ending in fiscal year 1996 was its third or subsequent full cost reporting period for which it receives payments under this subsection, the lesser of the operating costs or target amount for that hospital for its cost reporting period ending in fiscal year 1996, or
(ii) in the case of any other hospital, the operating costs for that hospital for its third full cost reporting period for which it receives payments under this subsection,
increased (in a compounded manner) for each succeeding fiscal year (through the fiscal year involved) by the market basket percentage increase for the fiscal year.
(D) For purposes of this paragraph, the term “expected costs”, with respect to the cost reporting period ending in a fiscal year, means the lesser of the operating costs of inpatient hospital services or target amount per discharge for the previous cost reporting period updated by the market basket percentage increase (as defined in paragraph (3)(B)(iii)) for the fiscal year.
(i) In the case of an eligible hospital that is a hospital or unit that is within a class of hospital described in clause (ii) with a 12-month cost reporting period beginning before November 29, 1999, in determining the amount of the increase under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall substitute for the percentage of the target amount applicable under subparagraph (A)(ii)—
(I) for a cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 2000, and before September 30, 2001, 1.5 percent; and
(II) for a cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 2001, and before September 30, 2002, 2 percent.
(ii) For purposes of clause (i), each of the following shall be treated as a separate class of hospital:
(I) Hospitals described in clause (i) of subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section and psychiatric units described in the matter following clause (v) of such subsection.
(II) Hospitals described in clause (iv) of such subsection.
(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (C) and succeeding subparagraphs, and in paragraph (7)(A)(ii), for purposes of this subsection, the term “target amount” means, with respect to a hospital for a particular 12-month cost reporting period—
(i) in the case of the first such reporting period for which this subsection is in effect, the allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in subsection (a)(4) of this section) recognized under this subchapter for such hospital for the preceding 12-month cost reporting period, and
(ii) in the case of a later reporting period, the target amount for the preceding 12-month cost reporting period,
increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B) for that particular cost reporting period.
(i) For purposes of subsection (d) of this section and subsection (j) of this section for discharges occurring during a fiscal year, the “applicable percentage increase” shall be—
(I) for fiscal year 1986, 1/2 percent,
(II) for fiscal year 1987, 1.15 percent,
(III) for fiscal year 1988, 3.0 percent for hospitals located in a rural area, 1.5 percent for hospitals located in a large urban area (as defined in subsection (d)(2)(D) of this section), and 1.0 percent for hospitals located in other urban areas,
(IV) for fiscal year 1989, the market basket percentage increase minus 1.5 percent for hospitals located in a rural area, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.0 percentage points for hospitals located in a large urban area, and the market basket percentage increase minus 2.5 percentage points for hospitals located in other urban areas,
(V) for fiscal year 1990, the market basket percentage increase plus 4.22 percentage points for hospitals located in a rural area, the market basket percentage increase plus 0.12 percentage points for hospitals located in a large urban area, and the market basket percentage increase minus 0.53 percentage points for hospitals located in other urban areas,
(VI) for fiscal year 1991, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.0 percentage points for hospitals in a large urban or other urban area, and the market basket percentage increase minus 0.7 percentage point for hospitals located in a rural area,
(VII) for fiscal year 1992, the market basket percentage increase minus 1.6 percentage points for hospitals in a large urban or other urban area, and the market basket percentage increase minus 0.6 percentage point for hospitals located in a rural area,
(VIII) for fiscal year 1993, the market basket percentage increase minus 1.55 percentage point for hospitals in a large urban or other urban area, and the market basket percentage increase minus 0.55 [1] for hospitals located in a rural area,
(IX) for fiscal year 1994, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.5 percentage points for hospitals located in a large urban or other urban area, and the market basket percentage increase minus 1.0 percentage point for hospitals located in a rural area,
(X) for fiscal year 1995, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.5 percentage points for hospitals located in a large urban or other urban area, and such percentage increase for hospitals located in a rural area as will provide for the average standardized amount determined under subsection (d)(3)(A) of this section for hospitals located in a rural area being equal to such average standardized amount for hospitals located in an urban area (other than a large urban area),
(XI) for fiscal year 1996, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.0 percentage points for hospitals in all areas,
(XII) for fiscal year 1997, the market basket percentage increase minus 0.5 percentage point for hospitals in all areas,
(XIII) for fiscal year 1998, 0 percent,
(XIV) for fiscal year 1999, the market basket percentage increase minus 1.9 percentage points for hospitals in all areas,
(XV) for fiscal year 2000, the market basket percentage increase minus 1.8 percentage points for hospitals in all areas,
(XVI) for fiscal year 2001, the market basket percentage increase for hospitals in all areas,
(XVII) for fiscal year 2002, the market basket percentage increase minus 0.55 percentage points for hospitals in all areas,
(XVIII) for fiscal year 2003, the market basket percentage increase minus 0.55 percentage points for hospitals in all areas,
(XIX) for each of fiscal years 2004 through 2006, subject to clause (vii), the market basket percentage increase for hospitals in all areas; [2] and
(XX) for each subsequent fiscal year, subject to clause (viii), the market basket percentage increase for hospitals in all areas.
(ii) For purposes of subparagraphs (A) and (E), the “applicable percentage increase” for 12-month cost reporting periods beginning during—
(I) fiscal year 1986, is 0.5 percent,
(II) fiscal year 1987, is 1.15 percent,
(III) fiscal year 1988, is the market basket percentage increase minus 2.0 percentage points,
(IV) a subsequent fiscal year ending on or before September 30, 1993, is the market basket percentage increase,
(V) fiscal years 1994 through 1997, is the market basket percentage increase minus the applicable reduction (as defined in clause (v)(II)), or in the case of a hospital for a fiscal year for which the hospital’s update adjustment percentage (as defined in clause (v)(I)) is at least 10 percent, the market basket percentage increase,
(VI) for fiscal year 1998, is 0 percent,
(VII) for fiscal years 1999 through 2002, is the applicable update factor specified under clause (vi) for the fiscal year, and
(VIII) subsequent fiscal years is the market basket percentage increase.
(iii) For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “market basket percentage increase” means, with respect to cost reporting periods and discharges occurring in a fiscal year, the percentage, estimated by the Secretary before the beginning of the period or fiscal year, by which the cost of the mix of goods and services (including personnel costs but excluding nonoperating costs) comprising routine, ancillary, and special care unit inpatient hospital services, based on an index of appropriately weighted indicators of changes in wages and prices which are representative of the mix of goods and services included in such inpatient hospital services, for the period or fiscal year will exceed the cost of such mix of goods and services for the preceding 12-month cost reporting period or fiscal year.
(iv) For purposes of subparagraphs (C) and (D), the “applicable percentage increase” is—
(I) for 12-month cost reporting periods beginning during fiscal years 1986 through 1993, the applicable percentage increase specified in clause (ii),
(II) for fiscal year 1994, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.3 percentage points (adjusted to exclude any portion of a cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 1993 for which the applicable percentage increase is determined under subparagraph (I)),
(III) for fiscal year 1995, the market basket percentage increase minus 2.2 percentage points, and
(IV) for fiscal year 1996 and each subsequent fiscal year, the applicable percentage increase under clause (i).
(v) For purposes of clause (ii)(V)—
(I) a hospital’s “update adjustment percentage” for a fiscal year is the percentage by which the hospital’s allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services recognized under this subchapter for the cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 1990 exceeds the hospital’s target amount (as determined under subparagraph (A)) for such cost reporting period, increased for each fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 1994) by the sum of any of the hospital’s applicable reductions under subclause (V) for previous fiscal years; and
(II) the “applicable reduction” with respect to a hospital for a fiscal year is the lesser of 1 percentage point or the percentage point difference between 10 percent and the hospital’s update adjustment percentage for the fiscal year.
(vi) For purposes of clause (ii)(VII) for a fiscal year, if a hospital’s allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services recognized under this subchapter for the most recent cost reporting period for which information is available—
(I) is equal to, or exceeds, 110 percent of the hospital’s target amount (as determined under subparagraph (A)) for such cost reporting period, the applicable update factor specified under this clause is the market basket percentage;
(II) exceeds 100 percent, but is less than 110 percent, of such target amount for the hospital, the applicable update factor specified under this clause is 0 percent or, if greater, the market basket percentage minus 0.25 percentage points for each percentage point by which such allowable operating costs (expressed as a percentage of such target amount) is less than 110 percent of such target amount;
(III) is equal to, or less than 100 percent, but exceeds 2/3 of such target amount for the hospital, the applicable update factor specified under this clause is 0 percent or, if greater, the market basket percentage minus 2.5 percentage points; or
(IV) does not exceed 2/3 of such target amount for the hospital, the applicable update factor specified under this clause is 0 percent.
(I) For purposes of clause (i)(XIX) for fiscal years 2005 and 2006, in a case of a subsection (d) hospital that does not submit data to the Secretary in accordance with subclause (II) with respect to such a fiscal year, the applicable percentage increase under such clause for such fiscal year shall be reduced by 0.4 percentage points. Such reduction shall apply only with respect to the fiscal year involved, and the Secretary shall not take into account such reduction in computing the applicable percentage increase under clause (i)(XIX) for a subsequent fiscal year.
(II) For fiscal years 2005 and 2006, each subsection (d) hospital shall submit to the Secretary quality data (for a set of 10 indicators established by the Secretary as of November 1, 2003) that relate to the quality of care furnished by the hospital in inpatient settings in a form and manner, and at a time, specified by the Secretary for purposes of this clause, but with respect to fiscal year 2005, the Secretary shall provide for a 30-day grace period for the submission of data by a hospital.
(I) For purposes of clause (i) for fiscal year 2007 and each subsequent fiscal year, in the case of a subsection (d) hospital that does not submit, to the Secretary in accordance with this clause, data required to be submitted on measures selected under this clause with respect to such a fiscal year, the applicable percentage increase under clause (i) for such fiscal year shall be reduced by 2.0 percentage points (or, beginning with fiscal year 2015, by one-quarter). Such reduction shall apply only with respect to the fiscal year involved and the Secretary shall not take into account such reduction in computing the applicable percentage increase under clause (i) for a subsequent fiscal year, and the Secretary and the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission shall carry out the requirements under section 5001(b) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
(II) Each subsection (d) hospital shall submit data on measures selected under this clause to the Secretary in a form and manner, and at a time, specified by the Secretary for purposes of this clause.
(III) The Secretary shall expand, beyond the measures specified under clause (vii)(II) and consistent with the succeeding subclauses, the set of measures that the Secretary determines to be appropriate for the measurement of the quality of care (including medication errors) furnished by hospitals in inpatient settings.
(IV) Effective for payments beginning with fiscal year 2007, in expanding the number of measures under subclause (III), the Secretary shall begin to adopt the baseline set of performance measures as set forth in the November 2005 report by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences under section 238(b) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.
(V) Effective for payments beginning with fiscal year 2008, the Secretary shall add other measures that reflect consensus among affected parties and, to the extent feasible and practicable, shall include measures set forth by one or more national consensus building entities.
(VI) For purposes of this clause and clause (vii), the Secretary may replace any measures or indicators in appropriate cases, such as where all hospitals are effectively in compliance or the measures or indicators have been subsequently shown not to represent the best clinical practice.
(VII) The Secretary shall establish procedures for making data submitted under this clause available to the public. Such procedures shall ensure that a hospital has the opportunity to review the data that are to be made public with respect to the hospital prior to such data being made public. The Secretary shall report quality measures of process, structure, outcome, patients’ perspectives on care, efficiency, and costs of care that relate to services furnished in inpatient settings in hospitals on the Internet website of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(I) For purposes of clause (i) for fiscal year 2015 and each subsequent fiscal year, in the case of an eligible hospital (as defined in subsection (n)(6)(A)) [3] that is not a meaningful EHR user (as defined in subsection (n)(3)) for an EHR reporting period for such fiscal year, three-quarters of the applicable percentage increase otherwise applicable under clause (i) for such fiscal year shall be reduced by 331/3 percent for fiscal year 2015, 662/3 percent for fiscal year 2016, and 100 percent for fiscal year 2017 and each subsequent fiscal year. Such reduction shall apply only with respect to the fiscal year involved and the Secretary shall not take into account such reduction in computing the applicable percentage increase under clause (i) for a subsequent fiscal year.
(II) The Secretary may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt a subsection (d) hospital from the application of subclause (I) with respect to a fiscal year if the Secretary determines, subject to annual renewal, that requiring such hospital to be a meaningful EHR user during such fiscal year would result in a significant hardship, such as in the case of a hospital in a rural area without sufficient Internet access. In no case may a hospital be granted an exemption under this subclause for more than 5 years.
(III) For fiscal year 2015 and each subsequent fiscal year, a State in which hospitals are paid for services under section 1395f (b)(3) of this title shall adjust the payments to each subsection (d) hospital in the State that is not a meaningful EHR user (as defined in subsection (n)(3)) in a manner that is designed to result in an aggregate reduction in payments to hospitals in the State that is equivalent to the aggregate reduction that would have occurred if payments had been reduced to each subsection (d) hospital in the State in a manner comparable to the reduction under the previous provisions of this clause. The State shall report to the Secretary the methodology it will use to make the payment adjustment under the previous sentence.
(IV) For purposes of this clause, the term “EHR reporting period” means, with respect to a fiscal year, any period (or periods) as specified by the Secretary.
(C) In the case of a hospital that is a sole community hospital (as defined in subsection (d)(5)(D)(iii) of this section), subject to subparagraphs (I) and (L), the term “target amount” means—
(i) with respect to the first 12-month cost reporting period in which this subparagraph is applied to the hospital—
(I) the allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in subsection (a)(4) of this section) recognized under this subchapter for the hospital for the 12-month cost reporting period (in this subparagraph referred to as the “base cost reporting period”) preceding the first cost reporting period for which this subsection was in effect with respect to such hospital, increased (in a compounded manner) by—
(II) the applicable percentage increases applied to such hospital under this paragraph for cost reporting periods after the base cost reporting period and up to and including such first 12-month cost reporting period,
(ii) with respect to a later cost reporting period beginning before fiscal year 1994, the target amount for the preceding 12-month cost reporting period, increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(iv) for discharges occurring in the fiscal year in which that later cost reporting period begins,
(iii) with respect to discharges occurring in fiscal year 1994, the target amount for the cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 1993 increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(iv), or
(iv) with respect to discharges occurring in fiscal year 1995 and each subsequent fiscal year, the target amount for the preceding year increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(iv).
There shall be substituted for the base cost reporting period described in clause (i) a hospital’s cost reporting period (if any) beginning during fiscal year 1987 if such substitution results in an increase in the target amount for the hospital.
(D) For cost reporting periods ending on or before September 30, 1994, and for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1997, and before October 1, 2011, in the case of a hospital that is a medicare-dependent, small rural hospital (as defined in subsection (d)(5)(G) of this section), subject to subparagraph (K), the term “target amount” means—
(i) with respect to the first 12-month cost reporting period in which this subparagraph is applied to the hospital—
(I) the allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in subsection (a)(4) of this section) recognized under this subchapter for the hospital for the 12-month cost reporting period (in this subparagraph referred to as the “base cost reporting period”) preceding the first cost reporting period for which this subsection was in effect with respect to such hospital, increased (in a compounded manner) by—
(II) the applicable percentage increases applied to such hospital under this paragraph for cost reporting periods after the base cost reporting period and up to and including such first 12-month cost reporting period, or
(ii) with respect to a later cost reporting period beginning before fiscal year 1994, the target amount for the preceding 12-month cost reporting period, increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(iv) for discharges occurring in the fiscal year in which that later cost reporting period begins,
(iii) with respect to discharges occurring in fiscal year 1994, the target amount for the cost reporting period beginning in fiscal year 1993 increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(iv), and
(iv) with respect to discharges occurring during fiscal year 1998 through fiscal year 2011, the target amount for the preceding year increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(iv).
There shall be substituted for the base cost reporting period described in clause (i) a hospital’s cost reporting period (if any) beginning during fiscal year 1987 if such substitution results in an increase in the target amount for the hospital.
(E) In the case of a hospital described in clause (v) of subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section, the term “target amount” means—
(i) with respect to the first 12-month cost reporting period in which this subparagraph is applied to the hospital—
(I) the allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in subsection (a)(4) of this section) recognized under this subchapter for the hospital for the 12-month cost reporting period (in this subparagraph referred to as the “base cost reporting period”) preceding the first cost reporting period for which this subsection was in effect with respect to such hospital, increased (in a compounded manner) by—
(II) the sum of the applicable percentage increases applied to such hospital under this paragraph for cost reporting periods after the base cost reporting period and up to and including such first 12-month cost reporting period, or
(ii) with respect to a later cost reporting period, the target amount for the preceding 12-month cost reporting period, increased by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(ii) for that later cost reporting period.
There shall be substituted for the base cost reporting period described in clause (i) a hospital’s cost reporting period (if any) beginning during fiscal year 1987 if such substitution results in an increase in the target amount for the hospital.
(i) In the case of a hospital (or unit described in the matter following clause (v) of subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section) that received payment under this subsection for inpatient hospital services furnished during cost reporting periods beginning before October 1, 1990, that is within a class of hospital described in clause (iii), and that elects (in a form and manner determined by the Secretary) this subparagraph to apply to the hospital, the target amount for the hospital’s 12-month cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 1998 is equal to the average described in clause (ii).
(ii) The average described in this clause for a hospital or unit shall be determined by the Secretary as follows:
(I) The Secretary shall determine the allowable operating costs for inpatient hospital services for the hospital or unit for each of the 5 cost reporting periods for which the Secretary has the most recent settled cost reports as of August 5, 1997.
(II) The Secretary shall increase the amount determined under subclause (I) for each cost reporting period by the applicable percentage increase under subparagraph (B)(ii) for each subsequent cost reporting period up to the cost reporting period described in clause (i).
(III) The Secretary shall identify among such 5 cost reporting periods the cost reporting periods for which the amount determined under subclause (II) is the highest, and the lowest.
(IV) The Secretary shall compute the averages of the amounts determined under subclause (II) for the 3 cost reporting periods not identified under subclause (III).
(iii) For purposes of this subparagraph, each of the following shall be treated as a separate class of hospital:
(I) Hospitals described in clause (i) of subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section and psychiatric units described in the matter following clause (v) of such subsection.
(II) Hospitals described in clause (ii) of such subsection and rehabilitation units described in the matter following clause (v) of such subsection.
(III) Hospitals described in clause (iii) of such subsection.
(IV) Hospitals described in clause (iv) of such subsection.
(V) Hospitals described in clause (v) of such subsection.
(i) In the case of a qualified long-term care hospital (as defined in clause (ii)) that elects (in a form and manner determined by the Secretary) this subparagraph to apply to the hospital, the target amount for the hospital’s 12-month cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 1998 is equal to the allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services (as defined in subsection (a)(4) of this section) recognized under this subchapter for the hospital for the 12-month cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 1996, increased by the applicable percentage increase for the cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 1997.
(ii) In clause (i), a “qualified long-term care hospital” means, with respect to a cost reporting period, a hospital described in clause (iv) of subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section during each of the 2 cost reporting periods for which the Secretary has the most recent settled cost reports as of August 5, 1997, for each of which—
(I) the hospital’s allowable operating costs of inpatient hospital services recognized under this subchapter exceeded 115 percent of the hospital’s target amount, and
(II) the hospital would have a disproportionate patient percentage of at least 70 percent (as determined by the Secretary under subsection (d)(5)(F)(vi) of this section) if the hospital were a subsection (d) hospital.
(i) In the case of a hospital or unit that is within a class of hospital described in clause (iv), for a cost reporting period beginning during fiscal years 1998 through 2002, the target amount for such a hospital or unit may not exceed the amount as updated up to or for such cost reporting period under clause (ii).
(ii) In the case of a hospital or unit that is within a class of hospital described in clause (iv), the Secretary shall estimate the 75th percentile of the target amounts for such hospitals within such class for cost reporting periods ending during fiscal year 1996, as adjusted under clause (iii).
(II) The Secretary shall update the amount determined under subclause (I), for each cost reporting period after the cost reporting period described in such subclause and up to the first cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 1997, by a factor equal to the market basket percentage increase.
(III) For cost reporting periods beginning during each of fiscal years 1999 through 2002, subject to subparagraph (J), the Secretary shall update such amount by a factor equal to the market basket percentage increase.
(iii) In applying clause (ii)(I) in the case of a hospital or unit, the Secretary shall provide for an appropriate adjustment to the labor-related portion of the amount determined under such subparagraph to take into account differences between average wage-related costs in the area of the hospital and the national average of such costs within the same class of hospital.
(iv) For purposes of this subparagraph, each of the following shall be treated as a separate class of hospital:
(I) Hospitals described in clause (i) of subsection (d)(1)(B) of this section and psychiatric units described in the matter following clause (v) of such subsection.
(II) Hospitals described in clause (ii) of such subsection and rehabilitation units described in the matter following clause (v) of such subsection.
(III) Hospitals described in clause (iv) of such subsection.
(i) Subject to subparagraph (L), for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2000, in the case of a sole community hospital there shall be substituted for the amount otherwise determined under subsection (d)(5)(D)(i) of this section, if such substitution results in a greater amount of payment under this section for the hospital—
(I) with respect to discharges occurring in fiscal year 2001, 75 percent of the amount otherwise applicable to the hospital under subsection (d)(5)(D)(i) of this section (referred to in this clause as the “subsection (d)(5)(D)(i) amount”) and 25 percent of the rebased target amount (as defined in clause (ii));
(II) with respect to discharges occurring in fiscal year 2002, 50 percent of the subsection (d)(5)(D)(i) amount and 50 percent of the rebased target amount;
(III) with respect to discharges occurring in fiscal year 2003, 25 percent of the subsection (d)(5)(D)(i) amount and 75 percent of the rebased target amount; and
(IV) with respect to discharges occurring after fiscal year 2003, 100 percent of the rebased target amount.
(ii) For purposes of this subparagraph, the “rebased target amount” has the meaning given the term “target amount” in subparagraph (C) except that—
(I) there shall be substituted for the base cost reporting period the 12-month cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 1996;
(II) any reference in subparagraph (C)(i) to the “first cost reporting period” described in such subparagraph is deemed a reference to the first cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 2000; and
(III) applicable increase percentage shall only be applied under subparagraph (C)(iv) for discharges occurring in fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2002.
(iii) In no case shall a hospital be denied treatment as a sole community hospital or payment (on the basis of a target rate as such as a hospital) because data are unavailable for any cost reporting period due to changes in ownership, changes in fiscal intermediaries, or other extraordinary circumstances, so long as data for at least one applicable base cost reporting period is available.
(J) For cost reporting periods beginning during fiscal year 2001, for a hospital described in subsection (d)(1)(B)(iv) of this section—
(i) the limiting or cap amount otherwise determined under subparagraph (H) shall be increased by 2 percent; and
(ii) the target amount otherwise determined under subparagraph (A) shall be increased by 25 percent (subject to the limiting or cap amount determined under subparagraph (H), as increased by clause (i)).
(i) With respect to discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2006, in the case of a medicare-dependent, small rural hospital, for purposes of applying subparagraph (D)—
(I) there shall be substituted for the base cost reporting period described in subparagraph (D)(i) the 12-month cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 2002; and
(II) any reference in such subparagraph to the “first cost reporting period” described in such subparagraph is deemed a reference to the first cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 2006.
(ii) This subparagraph shall only apply to a hospital if the substitution described in clause (i)(I) results in an increase in the target amount under subparagraph (D) for the hospital.
(i) For cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009, in the case of a sole community hospital there shall be substituted for the amount otherwise determined under subsection (d)(5)(D)(i) of this section, if such substitution results in a greater amount of payment under this section for the hospital, the subparagraph (L) rebased target amount.
(ii) For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “subparagraph (L) rebased target amount” has the meaning given the term “target amount” in subparagraph (C), except that—
(I) there shall be substituted for the base cost reporting period the 12-month cost reporting period beginning during fiscal year 2006;
(II) any reference in subparagraph (C)(i) to the “first cost reporting period” described in such subparagraph is deemed a reference to the first cost reporting period beginning on or after January 1, 2009; and
(III) the applicable percentage increase shall