§ 2801. Definitions

For purposes of this chapter—
(1) The term “Bureau” means the Bureau of Indian Affairs of the Department of the Interior.
(2) The term “employee of the Bureau” includes an officer of the Bureau.
(3) The term “enforcement of a law” includes the prevention, detection, and investigation of an offense and the detention or confinement of an offender.
(4) The term “Indian country” has the meaning given that term in section 1151 of title 18.
(5) The term “Indian tribe” has the meaning given that term in section 1301 of this title.
(6) The term “offense” means an offense against the United States and includes a violation of a Federal regulation relating to part or all of Indian country.
(7) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Interior.
(8) The term “Division of Law Enforcement Services” means the entity established within the Bureau under section 2802 (b) of this title.
(9) The term “Branch of Criminal Investigations” means the entity the Secretary is required to establish within the Division of Law Enforcement Services under section 2802 (d)(1) of this title.