§ 2802. Indian law enforcement responsibilities

(a) Responsibility of Secretary
The Secretary, acting through the Bureau, shall be responsible for providing, or for assisting in the provision of, law enforcement services in Indian country as provided in this chapter.
(b) Division of Law Enforcement Services; establishment and responsibilities
There is hereby established within the Bureau a Division of Law Enforcement Services which, under the supervision of the Secretary, or an individual designated by the Secretary, shall be responsible for—
(1) carrying out the law enforcement functions of the Secretary in Indian country, and
(2) implementing the provisions of this section.
(c) Additional responsibilities of Division
Subject to the provisions of this chapter and other applicable Federal or tribal laws, the responsibilities of the Division of Law Enforcement Services in Indian country shall include—
(1) the enforcement of Federal law and, with the consent of the Indian tribe, tribal law;
(2) in cooperation with appropriate Federal and tribal law enforcement agencies, the investigation of offenses against criminal laws of the United States;
(3) the protection of life and property;
(4) the development of methods and expertise to resolve conflicts and solve crimes;
(5) the provision of criminal justice remedial actions, correctional and detention services, and rehabilitation;
(6) the reduction of recidivism and adverse social effects;
(7) the development of preventive and outreach programs which will enhance the public conception of law enforcement responsibilities through training and development of needed public service skills;
(8) the assessment and evaluation of program accomplishments in reducing crime; and
(9) the development and provision of law enforcement training and technical assistance.
(d) Branch of Criminal Investigations; establishment, responsibilities, regulations, personnel, etc.
(1) The Secretary shall establish within the Division of Law Enforcement Services a separate Branch of Criminal Investigations which, under such inter-agency agreement as may be reached between the Secretary and appropriate agencies or officials of the Department of Justice and subject to such guidelines as may be adopted by relevant United States attorneys, shall be responsible for the investigation, and presentation for prosecution, of cases involving violations of sections 1152 and 1153 of title 18 within Indian country.
(2) The Branch of Criminal Investigations shall not be primarily responsible for the routine law enforcement and police operations of the Bureau in Indian country.
(3) The Secretary shall prescribe regulations which shall establish a procedure for active cooperation and consultation of the criminal investigative employees of the Bureau assigned to an Indian reservation with the governmental and law enforcement officials of the Indian tribe located on such reservation.
(i) Criminal investigative personnel of the Branch shall be subject only to the supervision and direction of law enforcement personnel of the Branch or of the Division. Such personnel shall not be subject to the supervision of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Agency Superintendent or Bureau of Indian Affairs Area Office Director. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to prohibit cooperation, coordination, or consultation, as appropriate, with nonlaw enforcement Bureau of Indian Affairs personnel at the agency or area levels, or prohibit or restrict the right of a tribe to contract the investigative program under the authority of Public Law 93–638 [25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.] or to maintain its own criminal investigative operations.
(ii) At the end of one year following the date of establishment of the separate Branch of Criminal Investigations, any tribe may, by resolution of the governing body of the tribe, request the Secretary to reestablish line authority through the Agency Superintendent or Bureau of Indian Affairs Area Office Director. In the absence of good cause to the contrary, the Secretary, upon receipt of such resolution, shall reestablish the line authority as requested by the tribe.
(e) Division of Law Enforcement Services personnel; standards of education, experience, etc.; classification of positions
(1) The Secretary shall establish appropriate standards of education, experience, training, and other relevant qualifications for law enforcement personnel of the Division of Law Enforcement Services who are charged with law enforcement responsibilities pursuant to section 2803 of this title.
(2) The Secretary shall also provide for the classification of such positions within the Division of Law Enforcement Services at GS grades, as provided in section 5104 of title 5, consistent with the responsibilities and duties assigned to such positions and with the qualifications established for such positions.
(3) In classifying positions in the Division of Law Enforcement Services under paragraph (2), the Secretary shall ensure that such positions are classified at GS grades comparable to those for other Federal law enforcement personnel in other Federal Agencies [1] in light of the responsibilities, duties, and qualifications required of such positions.

[1] So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.