§ 2371e. Strategic plans

(a) In general
(1) Development
An eligible community that intends to apply for a grant under section 2371d of this title shall—
(A) develop a strategic plan for the community’s economic adjustment to the impact of trade; and
(B) submit the plan to the Secretary for evaluation and approval.
(2) Involvement of private and public entities
(A) In general
To the extent practicable, an eligible community shall consult with entities described in subparagraph (B) in developing a strategic plan under paragraph (1).
(B) Entities described
Entities described in this subparagraph are public and private entities within the eligible community, including—
(i) local, county, or State government agencies serving the community;
(ii) firms, including small- and medium-sized firms, within the community;
(iii) local workforce investment boards established under section 2832 of title 29;
(iv) labor organizations, including State labor federations and labor-management initiatives, representing workers in the community; and
(v) educational institutions, local educational agencies, or other training providers serving the community.
(b) Contents
The strategic plan shall, at a minimum, contain the following:
(1) A description and analysis of the capacity of the eligible community to achieve economic adjustment to the impact of trade.
(2) An analysis of the economic development challenges and opportunities facing the community as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the economy of the community.
(3) An assessment of the commitment of the eligible community to the strategic plan over the long term and the participation and input of members of the community affected by economic dislocation.
(4) A description of the role and the participation of the entities described in subsection (a)(2)(B) in developing the strategic plan.
(5) A description of the projects to be undertaken by the eligible community under the strategic plan.
(6) A description of how the strategic plan and the projects to be undertaken by the eligible community will facilitate the community’s economic adjustment.
(7) A description of the educational and training programs available to workers in the eligible community and the future employment needs of the community.
(8) An assessment of the cost of implementing the strategic plan, the timing of funding required by the eligible community to implement the strategic plan, and the method of financing to be used to implement the strategic plan.
(9) A strategy for continuing the economic adjustment of the eligible community after the completion of the projects described in paragraph (5).
(c) Grants to develop strategic plans
(1) In general
The Secretary, upon receipt of an application from an eligible community, may award a grant to the community to assist the community in developing a strategic plan under subsection (a)(1). A grant awarded under this paragraph shall not exceed 75 percent of the cost of developing the strategic plan.
(2) Funds to be used
Of the funds appropriated pursuant to section 2371f (c) of this title, the Secretary may make available not more than $25,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2009 and 2010, and $6,250,000 for the period beginning October 1, 2010, and ending December 31, 2010, to provide grants to eligible communities under paragraph (1).