§ 2371d. Grants for eligible communities

(a) In general
The Secretary may award a grant under this section to an eligible community to assist the community in carrying out any project or program that is included in a strategic plan developed by the community under section 2371e of this title.
(b) Application
(1) In general
An eligible community seeking to receive a grant under this section shall submit a grant application to the Secretary that contains—
(A) the strategic plan developed by the community under section 2371e (a)(1)(A) of this title and approved by the Secretary under section 2371e (a)(1)(B) of this title; and
(B) a description of the project or program included in the strategic plan with respect to which the community seeks the grant.
(2) Coordination among grant programs
If an entity in an eligible community is seeking or plans to seek a Community College and Career Training Grant under section 2372 of this title or a Sector Partnership Grant under section 2373 of this title while the eligible community is seeking a grant under this section, the eligible community shall include in the grant application a description of how the eligible community will integrate any projects or programs carried out using a grant under this section with any projects or programs that may be carried out using such other grants.
(c) Limitation
An eligible community may not be awarded more than $5,000,000 under this section.
(d) Cost-sharing
(1) Federal share
The Federal share of a project or program for which a grant is awarded under this section may not exceed 95 percent of the cost of such project or program.
(2) Community share
The Secretary shall require, as a condition of awarding a grant to an eligible community under this section, that the eligible community contribute not less than an amount equal to 5 percent of the amount of the grant toward the cost of the project or program for which the grant is awarded.
(e) Grants to small- and medium-sized communities
The Secretary shall give priority to grant applications submitted under this section by eligible communities that are small- and medium-sized communities.
(f) Annual report
Not later than December 15 in each of the calendar years 2009 through 2011, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives a report—
(1) describing each grant awarded under this section during the preceding fiscal year; and
(2) assessing the impact on the eligible community of each such grant awarded in a fiscal year before the fiscal year referred to in paragraph (1).