§§ 1182a to 1182c. Repealed.]

Section 1182a, act Sept. 3, 1954, ch. 1254, § 4, 68 Stat. 1145, related to admission of aliens who were either convicted, or who admitted the commission, of a misdemeanor.
Section 1182b, Pub. L. 85–316, § 5, Sept. 11, 1957, 71 Stat. 640, permitted admission of an alien spouse, child or parent excludable for crime involving moral turpitude in cases of hardship, when not contrary to national welfare or security, and with Attorney General’s consent, and under conditions and procedures prescribed by him. See section 1182 (h) of this title.
Section 1182c, Pub. L. 85–316, § 6, Sept. 11, 1957, 71 Stat. 640; Pub. L. 86–253, § 1, Sept. 9, 1959, 73 Stat. 490, authorized admission of an alien spouse, child, or parent of a United States citizen afflicted with tuberculosis under terms, conditions and controls prescribed by Attorney General. See section 1182 (g) of this title.