11.12 - Wills.
- 11.12.010 - Who may make a will.
- 11.12.020 - Requisites of wills -- Foreign wills.
- 11.12.025 - Nuncupative wills.
- 11.12.030 - Signature of testator at his or her direction -- Signature by mark.
- 11.12.040 - Revocation of will -- How effected -- Effect on codicils.
- 11.12.051 - Dissolution, invalidation, or termination of marriage or domestic partnership.
- 11.12.060 - Agreement to convey does not revoke.
- 11.12.070 - Devise or bequeathal of property subject to encumbrance.
- 11.12.080 - Revocation of later will or codicil -- Effect -- Evidence.
- 11.12.091 - Omitted child.
- 11.12.095 - Omitted spouse or omitted domestic partner.
- 11.12.110 - Death of grandparent's issue before grantor.
- 11.12.120 - Lapsed gift -- Procedure and proof.
- 11.12.160 - Interested witness -- Effect on will.
- 11.12.170 - Devise of land, what passes.
- 11.12.180 - Rule in Shelley's Case abolished--Future distribution or interest to heirs.
- 11.12.185 - Doctrine of Worthier Title abolished -- Exception.
- 11.12.190 - Will to operate on after-acquired property.
- 11.12.220 - No interest on devise unless will so provides.
- 11.12.230 - Intent of testator controlling.
- 11.12.250 - Gift to trust.
- 11.12.255 - Incorporation by reference.
- 11.12.260 - Separate writing may direct disposition of tangible personal property -- Requirements.
- 11.12.265 - Filing of original will with court before death of testator.