37.2-509 - Mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services; allocation of funds by Department; reduction of funds.
§ 37.2-509. Mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services;allocation of funds by Department; reduction of funds.
A. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Department shall allocateavailable state-controlled funds to community services boards fordisbursement in accordance with procedures established by the Department andperformance contracts approved by the Department. Allocations ofstate-controlled funds to each community services board shall be determinedby the Department, after careful consideration of all of the followingfactors:
1. The total amounts of state-controlled funds appropriated for this purpose;
2. Previous allocations of state-controlled funds to each community servicesboard;
3. Requirements or conditions attached to appropriations of state-controlledfunds by the General Assembly, the Governor, or federal granting authorities;
4. Community services board input about the uses of and methodologies forallocating existing and new state-controlled funds; and
5. Other relevant and appropriate considerations.
Allocations to any community services board for operating expenses, includingsalaries and other costs, or the construction of facilities shall not exceed90 percent of the total amount of state and local matching funds provided forthese expenses or such construction, unless a waiver is granted by theDepartment pursuant to policy adopted by the Board.
B. The Department shall notify the governing body of each city or county thatestablished the community services board before implementing any reduction ofstate-controlled funds. Before any city or county reduces local governmentmatching funds, it shall notify its community services board and theDepartment.
C. All fees collected by the community services board shall be included inits performance contract and retained and used by the board for mentalhealth, mental retardation, and substance abuse purposes.
(1968, c. 477, § 37.1-199; 1972, c. 629; 1974, c. 273; 1976, c. 671; 1977,cc. 88, 351; 1980, c. 582; 1985, c. 309; 1998, c. 680; 2005, c. 716.)