Chapter 5 - Community Services Boards (37.2-500 thru 37.2-512)
- 37.2-500 - Purpose; community services board; services to be provided.
- 37.2-501 - Community services board; appointment; membership; duties of fiscal agent.
- 37.2-502 - Community services board members; term of office; vacancies; removal.
- 37.2-503 - Compensation of community services board members.
- 37.2-504 - Community services boards; local government departments; powers and duties.
- 37.2-505 - Coordination of services for preadmission screening and discharge planning.
- 37.2-506 - Background checks required.
- 37.2-507 - Data collection on children and adolescents.
- 37.2-508 - Performance contract for mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services.
- 37.2-509 - Mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services; allocation of funds by Department; reduction of funds.
- 37.2-510 - Community services board; withdrawal of county or city.
- 37.2-511 - Liability for expenses of services.
- 37.2-512 - Authority to enter into joint agreements.