Chapter 9.5 - Political Campaign Advertisements (24.2-955 thru 24.2-959.1)
- 24.2-955 - Scope of disclosure requirements.
- 24.2-955.1 - Definitions.
- 24.2-955.2 - Publications not to receive compensation for advocating candidacy; penalties.
- 24.2-955.3 - Penalties for violations of this chapter.
- 24.2-956 - Requirements for print media advertisements sponsored by a candidate campaign committee.
- 24.2-956.1 - Requirements for print media advertisements sponsored by a person or political committee, other than a candidate campaign committee.
- 24.2-957 - General provisions.
- 24.2-957.1 - Requirements for television advertisements sponsored by a candidate or candidate campaign committee.
- 24.2-957.2 - Requirements for television advertisements sponsored by a political committee.
- 24.2-957.3 - Requirements for television advertisements sponsored by a person that is not a candidate campaign committee or political committee.
- 24.2-958 - General provisions.
- 24.2-958.1 - Requirements for radio advertisements sponsored by a candidate or candidate campaign committee.
- 24.2-958.2 - Requirements for radio advertisements sponsored by a political committee.
- 24.2-958.3 - Requirements for radio advertisements sponsored by a person that is not a candidate or political committee.
- 24.2-959 - Requirements for campaign telephone calls sponsored by a candidate or candidate campaign committee.
- 24.2-959.1 - Requirements for campaign telephone calls sponsored by a political committee or person other than a candidate or candidate campaign committee.