67-19-6 - Responsibilities of the executive director.
67-19-6. Responsibilities of the executive director.
(1) The executive director shall:
(a) develop, implement, and administer a statewide program of human resourcemanagement that will:
(i) aid in the efficient execution of public policy;
(ii) foster careers in public service for qualified employees; and
(iii) render assistance to state agencies in performing their missions;
(b) design and administer the state pay plan;
(c) design and administer the state classification system and procedures for determiningschedule assignments;
(d) design and administer the state recruitment and selection system;
(e) administer agency human resource practices and ensure compliance with federal law,state law, and state human resource rules, including equal employment opportunity;
(f) consult with agencies on decisions concerning employee corrective action anddiscipline;
(g) maintain central personnel records;
(h) perform those functions necessary to implement this chapter unless otherwiseassigned or prohibited;
(i) perform duties assigned by the governor or statute;
(j) adopt rules for human resource management according to the procedures of Title 63G,Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
(k) establish and maintain a management information system that will furnish thegovernor, the Legislature, and agencies with current information on authorized positions, payroll,and related matters concerning state human resources;
(l) conduct research and planning activities to:
(i) determine and prepare for future state human resource needs;
(ii) develop methods for improving public human resource management; and
(iii) propose needed policy changes to the governor;
(m) study the character, causes, and extent of discrimination in state employment anddevelop plans for its elimination through programs consistent with federal and state lawsgoverning equal employment opportunity in employment;
(n) when requested by counties, municipalities, and other political subdivisions of thestate, provide technical service and advice on human resource management at a chargedetermined by the executive director;
(o) establish compensation policies and procedures for early voluntary retirement;
(p) confer with the heads of other agencies about human resource policies andprocedures;
(q) submit an annual report to the governor and the Legislature; and
(r) assist with the development of a vacant position report required under Subsection63J-1-201(2)(b)(v).
(2) (a) After consultation with the governor and the heads of other agencies, theexecutive director shall establish and coordinate statewide training programs.
(b) The programs developed under this Subsection (2) shall have application to morethan one agency.
(c) The department may not establish training programs that train employees to perform
highly specialized or technical jobs and tasks.
(3) (a) (i) The department may collect fees for training as authorized by this Subsection(3).
(ii) Training funded from General Fund appropriations shall be treated as a separateprogram within the department budget.
(iii) All money received from fees under this section will be accounted for by thedepartment as a separate user driven training program.
(iv) The user training program includes the costs of developing, procuring, andpresenting training and development programs, and other associated costs for these programs.
(b) (i) Funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year in the user training program arenonlapsing.
(ii) Each year, as part of the appropriations process, the Legislature shall review theamount of nonlapsing funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year and may, by statute, requirethe department to lapse a portion of the funds.
Amended by Chapter 249, 2010 General Session