67-19-14.3 - Continuation of Insurance Benefits Program -- Creation -- Coverage following death in the line of duty.
67-19-14.3. Continuation of Insurance Benefits Program -- Creation -- Coveragefollowing death in the line of duty.
(1) There is created the "Continuation of Insurance Benefits Program" to provide acontinuation of insurance to the surviving spouse and family of any state employee whose deathoccurs in the line of duty.
(2) The insurance coverage shall be the same coverage as provided under Section49-20-406.
(3) The program provides that unused accumulated sick leave of a deceased employeemay be used for additional medical coverage in the same manner as provided under Section67-19-14.2 or 67-19-14.4 as applicable.
Amended by Chapter 15, 2005 General Session
Amended by Chapter 114, 2005 General Session