Chapter 121 - Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Aerial Tramways
- 68-121-101 - Chapter definitions.
- 68-121-102 - Creation of elevator and amusement device safety board Members Terms Expenses Subcommittees.
- 68-121-103 - Duties and powers of board Rules and regulations.
- 68-121-104 - Powers and duties of department.
- 68-121-105 - Registration of elevators, dumbwaiters and escalators.
- 68-121-106 - Schedule for inspecting and testing of elevators, dumbwaiters and escalators Report of inspections Failure to file report.
- 68-121-107 - Operating permits.
- 68-121-108 - Installations, relocations or alterations Submission of plans Fees.
- 68-121-109 - Maintenance in safe operating condition.
- 68-121-110 - Licensing inspectors Qualifications Examinations Fee Revocation of license.
- 68-121-111 - Municipal laws or ordinances unaffected.
- 68-121-112 - Appeals.
- 68-121-113 - [Reserved.]
- 68-121-114 - Violations to be prosecuted.
- 68-121-115 - Penalties for violations of chapter or permit fee requirements.
- 68-121-116 - Amusement devices Legislative findings.
- 68-121-117 - Violations Penalties.
- 68-121-118 - Responsibilities of operator of amusement device Report of fatalities, physical injuries or incidents Inspections.
- 68-121-119 - Qualified inspectors.
- 68-121-120 - Operation of amusement device Inspections Permit.
- 68-121-121 - Maintenance, inspection, and accidents records for amusement device.
- 68-121-122 - Itinerary of traveling or portable amusement devices Filing and content.
- 68-121-123 - Operation of amusement device during pendency of cessation Remedies.
- 68-121-124 - Liability for accidents.
- 68-121-125 - Safety rules governing rider Violations and penalties Duty to report injuries Display of rules.