Chapter 13 - Air Space And Operation Of Aircraft
- Section 50-13-1 - Definitions.
- Section 50-13-2 - State as sovereign in air space--Exceptions.
- Section 50-13-3 - Ownership of air space.
- Section 50-13-4 - Overflight of lands and waters permitted--Exceptions.
- Section 50-13-5 - Landing without consent as misdemeanor--Exception--Liability for damages.
- Section 50-13-6 - Liability for damage caused by overflight--Falling objects--Parties liable--Prima facieevidence of ownership.
- Section 50-13-7 - Liability as between aircraft owners or passengers--Collision.
- Section 50-13-8 - Aircraft in flight--Jurisdiction over crimes and torts.
- Section 50-13-9 - Aircraft in flight--Jurisdiction over contractual relations.
- Section 50-13-10 - Repealed.
- Section 50-13-11 - Establishment of public highway for air commerce--Freedom of air navigation.
- Section 50-13-12 - Location of air highway--Altitudes--Excepted areas.
- Section 50-13-13 - Air highway for take-off or landing purposes--Adoption of air navigation regulationsof federal aviation agency.
- Section 50-13-14 - Use of air space conferred without liability to landowner--Delineation of policepower.
- Section 50-13-15 - Aircraft guest statute--Guests without compensation--Liability.
- Section 50-13-16 - Reckless operation of aircraft--Misdemeanor.
- Section 50-13-17 - Operation of aircraft while intoxicated as misdemeanor--Possession of liquor or drugas prima facie evidence.
- Section 50-13-18 - Tampering with aircraft as misdemeanor.