§ 46-13.2-4 - Registration for well drilling contractors and pump installers Suspension or revocation.
SECTION 46-13.2-4
§ 46-13.2-4 Registration for well drillingcontractors and pump installers Suspension or revocation. (a) Subject to the approval of the board, the director shall establishregistration requirements setting forth minimum standards for well drillingcontractors and pump installers. The well drilling contractors shall berequired to have ability and proficiency in the skill of well drillingdemonstrated by experience or training and sufficient financial resources tohave and maintain adequate tools and machines for the work. After thepublication of these regulations by the director, a person, before engaging inthe business of well drilling or pump installing, shall obtain a certificate ofregistration annually as a well drilling contractor or pump installer. Theapplicant shall pay a registration fee of two hundred dollars ($200) and anannual renewal registration fee of one hundred dollars ($100). A certificate ofregistration is not transferable and expires one year after issuance. After therenewal date, a certificate of registration may be renewed only uponapplication for renewal and payment of a late fee of ten dollars ($10.00) inaddition to the regular registration fee. A lost, destroyed, or mutilatedcertificate may be replaced by a duplicate upon payment of a fee of two dollars($2.00). One seal shall be issued to each registrant as provided in subsection(b) of this section, and additional seals may be obtained at a fee of twodollars ($2.00) each.
(b) A well drilling contractor or pump installer shall placein a conspicuous location on both sides of his or her well drilling machine orservice rig, his or her registration number in letters not less than two inches(2") high. A seal furnished by the director of the department of environmentalmanagement designating the year the certificate of registration was issued orrenewed, and the words "Rhode Island registered water well drilling contractoror pump installation contractor" , shall be affixed directly adjacent to theregistration number.
(c) A municipality engaged in well drilling shall be exemptfrom the registration provisions of this chapter if the drilling is done byregular employees of, and with equipment owned by, the municipality, and thework is on wells intended for use by the municipality.
(d) This chapter shall not restrict a plumber or electricianfrom engaging in the trade for which he or she has been licensed.
(e) (1) A certificate of registration may berefused, or a certificate of registration duly issued may be suspended orrevoked, or the renewal thereof refused by the director on the director's owninvestigation and motion or upon motion of an interested party or motion of theboard if the director has good and sufficient reason to believe or finds thatthe applicant for or the holder of a certificate has:
(1) Made a material misstatement in the application for aregistration or any application for renewal thereof; or
(ii) Obtained the registration through willful fraud ormisrepresentation; or
(iii) Demonstrated incompetency to act as a well driller asdetermined by the director; or
(iv) Been guilty of failure to comply with the provisions ofthis chapter or the rules and regulations issued pursuant hereto; or
(v) Refused to file reports of wells drilled as required by§ 46-13.2-5; or
(vi) Has been found guilty by a court of competentjurisdiction, of any fraud, deceit, gross negligence, incompetence, ormisconduct in the industry, operations, or business of well drilling.
(2) Before any certificate of registration shall be refused,suspended, or revoked, or the renewal thereof refused, the director shall givenotice of the intention to do so by registered mail. Upon receipt of thenotice, the person affected may, within ten (10) days, request a hearing. Norevocation or suspension of a registration shall take place until the hearingis completed unless the director shall find immediate revocation or suspensionis necessary to avoid imminent peril to life or property.
(3) Appeal from the decisions of the director may be takenwithin thirty (30) days after the decision of the commissioner, to the superiorcourt in accordance with the provisions of § 42-35-15.
(f) The director shall prepare a roster of all registeredwell drillers and pump installers and distribute the roster annually to thelocal building inspector, if there is one, and the town clerk of each town.
(g) Any well driller or pump installer registered as of July1, 1987, shall be deemed to be registered under this chapter, but shall complywith the other provisions of this chapter.
(h) After one year from the date of refusal or revocation ofa certificate of registration, an application to register may be made again bythe person affected.