CHAPTER 46-13.2 - Drilling of Drinking Water Wells
- § 46-13.2-1 - Definitions.
- § 46-13.2-2 - Rhode Island well drilling board.
- § 46-13.2-3 - Regulations.
- § 46-13.2-4 - Registration for well drilling contractors and pump installers Suspension or revocation.
- § 46-13.2-5 - Record of wells.
- § 46-13.2-6 - Wells constructed for oil, gas, brine, or mining.
- § 46-13.2-7 - Well constructed for farming or private use.
- § 46-13.2-8 - Exemptions.
- § 46-13.2-9 - Existing and abandoned wells.
- § 46-13.2-10 - Violations.
- § 46-13.2-11 - Duties and powers of department of health not affected.
- § 46-13.2-12 - Severability.