§ 3-5-17 - Notice and hearing on licenses.
SECTION 3-5-17
§ 3-5-17 Notice and hearing on licenses. Before granting a license to any person under the provisions of this chapterand title, the board, body or official to whom application for the license ismade, shall give notice by advertisement published once a week for at least two(2) weeks in some newspaper published in the city or town where the applicantproposes to carry on business, or, if there is no newspaper published in a cityor town, then in some newspaper having a general circulation in the city ortown. Applications for retailer's Class F, P and Class G licenses need not beadvertised. The advertisement shall contain the name of the applicant and adescription by street and number or other plain designation of the particularlocation for which the license is requested. Notice of the application shallalso be given, by mail, to all owners of property within two hundred feet(200') of the place of business seeking the application. The notice shall begiven by the board, body or official to whom the application is made, and thecost of the application shall be borne by the applicant. The notices shallstate that remonstrants are entitled to be heard before the granting of thelicense, and shall name the time and place of the hearing. At the time andplace a fair opportunity shall be granted the remonstrants to make theirobjections before acting upon the application; provided that no advertisementor notice need be given pursuant to this section when a license holder appliesfor a temporary seasonal expansion of an existing liquor license.