2503.45 Entity to operate and maintain the facilities and attendant exterior grounds of state-owned real estate located in Franklin County.
2503.45 Entity to operate and maintain the facilities and attendant exterior grounds of state-owned real estate located in Franklin County.
(A) The supreme court may create a board, commission, or other entity to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facilities and attendant exterior grounds included within the real estate described in division (A) of Section 2 of Sub. House Bill No. 388 of the 125th general assembly. The supreme court may authorize any board, commission, or other entity so created to establish a trust for the purpose of receiving, restoring, maintaining, and displaying items of historic, artistic, or educational value in the facilities or on the grounds.
(B) The facilities and attendant exterior grounds granted to the supreme court pursuant to division (A) of Section 2 of Sub. House Bill No. 388 of the 125th general assembly, and any income from the possession or operation of those facilities and grounds, are exempt from taxation and assessments.
Effective Date: 03-02-2004