Chapter 2503: SUPREME COURT
- 2503.01 Supreme court judges.
- 2503.02 Chief justice term, election, vacancy.
- 2503.03 Justice term, election.
- 2503.04 Presiding judge - assigning judges from common pleas court.
- 2503.05 Appointment of officers and employees.
- 2503.06 Bond of clerk of supreme court.
- 2503.07 Deputy clerks.
- 2503.08 Vacancy in clerk's office.
- 2503.09 Removal of clerk.
- 2503.10 Office furnishings for clerk.
- 2503.11 Duties of clerk.
- 2503.12 [Repealed].
- 2503.13 Direct and reverse index of cases.
- 2503.14 to 2503.16 [Repealed].
- 2503.17 Filing fees.
- 2503.18 [Repealed].
- 2503.19 Bond of reporter of supreme court.
- 2503.20 Duties of reporter of supreme court.
- 2503.21 Report of decisions delivered to superintendent of purchases and printing.
- 2503.22 Reporter to edit, tabulate, index, and publish all cases disposed of on general docket.
- 2503.23 Specifications for printed decisions.
- 2503.24 Contracts for publication of court reports.
- 2503.25 Bond of contractor for publishing court reports.
- 2503.26 Bond of law librarian of supreme court.
- 2503.27 Receipt for library contents.
- 2503.28 Duties of law librarian.
- 2503.281 Administrative director of supreme court.
- 2503.282 Administrative director of supreme court to handle information requests.
- 2503.29 Appointment and compensation of stenographers.
- 2503.30 Oath and duties of stenographers.
- 2503.31 Equipment for stenographers.
- 2503.32 Records and papers of court.
- 2503.33 Term of court.
- 2503.34 Special or adjourned terms.
- 2503.35 Quorum.
- 2503.36 Rules of practice.
- 2503.37 Docket order of cases.
- 2503.38 Case involving same questions taken out of order.
- 2503.39 Oral and written arguments.
- 2503.40 Issuance of writs.
- 2503.41 Process.
- 2503.42 Reporting decisions.
- 2503.43 Supreme court need not determine weight of evidence.
- 2503.44 Remand final decrees, judgments, or orders.
- 2503.45 Entity to operate and maintain the facilities and attendant exterior grounds of state-owned real estate located in Franklin County.