339-EE - Effect of other laws.

§ 339-ee. Effect of other laws. 1. All units of a property which shall  be  submitted  to  the  provisions of this article shall be deemed to be  cooperative interests in realty within  the  meaning  of  section  three  hundred  fifty-two-e of the general business law. Article nine-A of this  chapter shall not apply to the property or any unit. Article  eleven  of  the  tax  law  shall  not  apply  to declarations or any lien for common  charges provided for in this article.  Any  provision  of  the  multiple  dwelling  law,  the  multiple  residence  law,  or  any  state  building  construction code as to multiple residences pursuant to  the  provisions  of  article eighteen of the executive law, requiring registration by the  owner or other person having control of a  multiple  dwelling  shall  be  deemed  satisfied  in the case of a property submitted to the provisions  of  this  article  by  registration  of  the  board  of  managers,  such  registration  to include the name of each unit owner and the designation  of his or her unit; each unit  owner  shall  be  deemed  the  person  in  control of the unit owned by him or her, and the board of managers shall  be  deemed the person in control of the common elements, for purposes of  enforcement of any such law or code, provided, however, that  all  other  provisions  of  the  multiple  dwelling  law  or multiple residence law,  otherwise applicable, shall be in full force and  effect,  and  provided  further  that in a city with a population of one million or more persons  registration required by a housing maintenance code of such  city  shall  be  deemed  satisfied  in  the  case  of  a  property  submitted  to the  provisions of this article by registration  of  the  board  of  managers  which  need  not include the name of each unit owner and the designation  of his or her unit.    2. In the event the proceeds of a construction mortgage  were  applied  to  construction  of a unit of a condominium submitted to the provisions  of this article, or in the event that a unit submitted to the provisions  of this act was subject  to  a  blanket  mortgage  whose  proceeds  were  applied  exclusively  to  payment  of  the  construction  mortgage or to  capital expenditures or expenses for the development or operation of the  condominium, or to purchase of land or  buildings  for  the  condominium  provided  that  such  purchase  was  no more than two years prior to the  recording of the declaration of condominium, and  a  mortgage  recording  tax was duly paid on such construction or blanket mortgage in accordance  with  article  eleven  of  the  tax  law,  then,  as  each unit is first  conveyed, there shall be allowed a credit against the mortgage recording  taxes (except the special additional mortgage recording tax  imposed  by  subdivision  one-a  of  section  two hundred fifty-three of the tax law)  that would otherwise be payable  on  a  purchase  money  mortgage,  said  credit to be in the amount resulting from the product of the purchaser's  pro  rata percentage of interest in the common elements and the mortgage  tax already paid on the construction or blanket  mortgage.    No  credit  shall  be  allowed  under this subdivision (a) on account of the special  additional mortgage  recording  tax  imposed  by  subdivision  one-a  of  section  two  hundred  fifty-three of the tax law or (b) where the first  condominium unit is sold more than two years after the  construction  or  blanket mortgage was recorded.    3.  Unless  specifically  exempted by a provision of this article, all  property subject to the provisions of this article shall continue to  be  subject  to all laws, rules and resolutions adopted by any county, city,  town or village for the health, safety and welfare of its inhabitants or  for regulation of the use of real property. Every county, city, town and  village shall continue to have all enforcement powers  created  by  such  laws,  rules or resolutions or the enabling acts of such laws, rules and  resolutions and  may  exercise  those  enforcement  powers  against  any  violation involving property subject to the provisions of this article.4. Any estimate of tax liability required by any rule adopted pursuant  to  this  article  shall  not be binding upon any municipality or public  official and any document containing such an estimate  shall  contain  a  notice to that effect.