Article 9-B - (339-D - 339-KK) Condominium Act
- 339-D - Short title.
- 339-E - Definitions.
- 339-F - Application of article.
- 339-G - Status of units.
- 339-H - Ownership of units.
- 339-I - Common elements.
- 339-J - Compliance with by-laws and rules and regulations.
- 339-K - Certain work prohibited.
- 339-L - Liens against common elements; liens against units; liens for labor performed or materials furnished.
- 339-M - Common profits and expenses.
- 339-N - Contents of declaration.
- 339-O - Contents of deeds and leases of units.
- 339-P - Copy of floor plans to be filed.
- 339-Q - Filing with board.
- 339-R - Blanket mortgages and other blanket liens affecting a unit at time of first conveyance.
- 339-S - Recording.
- 339-T - Withdrawal from provisions of this article.
- 339-U - By-laws.
- 339-V - Contents of by-laws.
- 339-W - Books of receipts and expenditures; availability for examination.
- 339-X - Waiver of use of common elements; abandonment of unit; conveyance to board of managers.
- 339-Y - Separate taxation.
- 339-Z - Lien for common charges; priority; exoneration of grantor and grantee.
- 339-AA - Lien for common charges; duration; foreclosure.
- 339-BB - Insurance.
- 339-CC - Repair or reconstruction.
- 339-DD - Actions.
- 339-EE - Effect of other laws.
- 339-FF - Mortgage investments on units by state agencies, insurers, banking organizations and fiduciaries; limitation to first mortgages.
- 339-GG - Severability.
- 339-HH - Reservation of power.
- 339-II - Construction.
- 339-JJ - Borrowing by board of managers.
- 339-KK - Rents.