607 - List or record of members at meetings.

§ 607. List or record of members at meetings.    A  list  or  record  of  members  entitled  to  vote, certified by the  corporate officer responsible for  its  preparation  or  by  a  transfer  agent,  shall  be  produced  at  any meeting of members upon the request  therefor of any member who has given written notice to  the  corporation  that  such request will be made at least ten days prior to such meeting.  If the right to vote at any meeting is  challenged,  the  inspectors  of  election,  or  the  person presiding thereat, shall require such list or  record of members to be produced as evidence of the right of the persons  challenged to vote at such meeting, and all persons who appear from such  list or record to be members entitled to vote thereat may vote  at  such  meeting.