Article 6 - (601 - 623) MEMBERS
- 601 - Members.
- 602 - By-laws.
- 603 - Meetings of members.
- 604 - Special meeting for election of directors.
- 605 - Notice of meeting of members.
- 606 - Waivers of notice.
- 607 - List or record of members at meetings.
- 608 - Quorum at meeting of members.
- 609 - Proxies.
- 610 - Selection of inspectors at meetings of members; duties.
- 611 - Qualification of voters; fixing record date to determine eligibility to vote; voting entitlement.
- 612 - Limitations on right to vote.
- 613 - Vote of members.
- 614 - Action by members without a meeting.
- 615 - Greater requirement as to quorum and vote of members.
- 616 - Voting by class of members.
- 617 - Cumulative voting.
- 618 - Power of supreme court respecting elections.
- 619 - Agreements by members as to voting.
- 620 - Preemptive rights.
- 621 - Books and records; right of inspection; prima facie evidence.
- 622 - Infant members.
- 623 - Members' derivative action brought in the right of the corporation to procure a judgment in its favor.