130 - Bridges on county road system.

§  130.  Bridges on county road system. Notwithstanding the provisions  of sections two hundred and thirty-one and two hundred and  thirty-three  of  this chapter, or any other statute, any bridge hereafter proposed to  be located  on  such  county  road  system,  when  the  same  is  to  be  constructed, reconstructed, maintained or repaired with county road fund  moneys, or when the same is to be constructed, reconstructed, maintained  or  repaired with federal and any county moneys, shall be considered and  deemed for such purposes a part of the road on which it is located;  and  all  the  provisions  of this section relative to such road system shall  apply with equal force and  effect  to  such  bridge  thereon  for  such  purposes.    Bridges  under  this  section  shall  include  bridges over and across  navigable streams, waters, bays or arms of the sea, whether or  not  the  title to the bed thereof is in the state.