Article 6 - (110 - 139-A) COUNTY ROADS
- 110 - Definitions.
- 111 - Payment and apportionment of cost among counties and towns.
- 113 - Annual statement of cost.
- 114 - Sources and use of county road fund moneys.
- 115 - Preparation of map showing proposed county road system.
- 115-A - Abandonment of unused portions of town highways on county road system.
- 115-B - Removal of road or part of road from county road system.
- 115-C - Notice to municipalities where county roads are abandoned or revert to such municipalities.
- 116 - Statement and approval of proposed work.
- 117 - Construction and reconstruction of county roads.
- 117-A - Highways in villages in Niagara county.
- 117-B - Controlled-access highways in counties.
- 117-C - Hawking, peddling, vending, sale of goods, wares or merchandise; Erie county; certain areas.
- 117-D - Pedestrian overpass to be designated as the "Jennifer Bolender Memorial Overpass".
- 117-E - Pedestrian overpass to be designated as the "Police Officer Robert McLellan Memorial Overpass".
- 118 - Acquisition by counties of lands for right-of-way and other purposes.
- 118-A - Abandoning of parts of county highways.
- 118-B - Entry upon lands by county superintendent.
- 119 - Purchase of lands.
- 120 - Petition to acquire lands.
- 121 - Commissioners of appraisal to be appointed.
- 122 - Duties of commissioners of appraisal.
- 123 - County treasurer to pay awards.
- 125 - Land may be sold or leased; disposition of proceeds.
- 126 - Awarding of contracts.
- 127 - Payments from the county road fund.
- 129 - Maintenance and apportionment of cost.
- 130 - Bridges on county road system.
- 131 - County roads of additional width and increased cost at expense of village.
- 131-A - Application.
- 131-B - County highways and bridges.
- 131-C - Location and construction of bridges.
- 131-D - Construction by county of destroyed bridges.
- 131-E - Bridges over county lines.
- 131-F - Streets outside cities.
- 131-G - Regulation of toll rates.
- 131-H - Separate highway districts in certain counties.
- 131-I - Boundary lines.
- 131-J - Development of highways and other improvements in certain counties.
- 131-K - County aid for construction and improvement of certain public highways and bridges in municipalities.
- 133 - Machinery, tools, equipment, implements, materials and supplies.
- 133-A - Rental or hiring of county highway machinery, tools or equipment.
- 134 - Purchases by county purchasing agent.
- 135 - Snow removal, and cutting of weeds.
- 135-A - Control of snow and ice conditions on county roads.
- 136 - Permits for work within the county road right of way.
- 137 - Maintenance of certain highways by a county.
- 138 - Bridge between Saratoga county and Warren county to be designated as the "Irving H. Densmore Memorial Bridge".
- 139 - County liable for injuries caused by defective highways and bridges.
- 139-A - Presentation of claims for torts; actions against counties.