10 - Prosecutions for conducting business on Sunday by certain persons.

§  10.  Prosecutions  for  conducting  business  on  Sunday by certain  persons.    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it shall be  a  sufficient  defense  to  a  prosecution pursuant to this article, for conducting any  trade or business or public selling or offering for sale of any property  on Sunday, that the defendant    (1) as the proprietor of such business, uniformly keeps another day of  the week as holy time and keeps his place  of  business  closed  on  the  seventh day of the week,    (2)  does  not  himself  labor,  employ others to labor in, by or with  another conduct a trade or publicly sell or offer for sale any  property  on the day he keeps as holy time,    (3)  conducts  such  labor,  trade or business in its normal course on  Sunday by himself and members of his immediate family, and    (4) so conducts such trade,  public  selling  or  offer  to  sell  any  property  on  Sunday  in  such  manner  as  not to disturb the religious  observances of the community.    The term "day of the week" as used in  this  section  shall  mean  and  include  the  period  of  time  of not less than twenty-four consecutive  hours commencing at or before sundown on one day and terminating  at  or  after sundown on the following day.