Article 2 - (2 - 17) SABBATH
- 2 - The Sabbath.
- 3 - Sabbath breaking.
- 4 - Punishment for Sabbath breaking.
- 5 - Labor prohibited on Sunday.
- 6 - Persons observing another day as a Sabbath.
- 7 - Public sports and exercises on Sunday.
- 8 - Trades, manufactures, and mechanical employments prohibited on Sunday.
- 9 - Public traffic on Sunday.
- 10 - Prosecutions for conducting business on Sunday by certain persons.
- 11 - Serving civil process on Sunday.
- 12 - Forfeiture of commodities exposed for sale on Sunday.
- 13 - Maliciously serving process on Saturday on person who keeps Saturday as holy time.
- 14 - Processions and parades on Sunday.
- 16 - Barbering on Sunday.
- 17 - Days of rest and recreation.