504 - Division facilities.

§ 504. Division facilities. 1. The division shall operate and maintain  secure,  limited secure and non-secure facilities for the care, custody,  treatment, housing, education,  rehabilitation  and  guidance  of  youth  placed with or committed to the division.    2.  Each  separate  facility  may  bear  the  name,  designated by the  division, of an individual known for outstanding service to youth.    3. A youth attending a local public school while  in  residence  at  a  division  facility  shall  be  deemed  a resident of the school district  where the youth's parent or guardian resides at the commencement of each  school year for the purpose of determining which school  district  shall  be responsible for the youth's tuition.    4.  The  division  shall determine the particular division facility or  program in which a child placed with the division shall  be  cared  for,  based  upon  an  evaluation  of such child. The division shall also have  authority to discharge or conditionally release children placed with  it  and  to  transfer  such  children  from  a  limited secure or non-secure  facility to any other limited secure or non-secure  facility,  when  the  interest  of  such  children requires such action; provided that a child  transferred to a non-secure facility from a limited secure facility  may  be  returned  to  a  limited secure facility upon a determination by the  division that, for any reason, care  and  treatment  at  the  non-secure  facility is no longer suitable.