Title 2 - (502 - 509) FACILITIES
- 502 - Definitions.
- 502-A - Day placement.
- 503 - Detention.
- 503-A - Temporary hold over units.
- 504 - Division facilities.
- 504-A - Secure facilities.
- 504-B - Transport and warrant units.
- 505 - Directors of facilities.
- 506 - Claims for damage to employees' personal property.
- 507-A - Placement and commitment; procedures.
- 507-B - Placement and commitment; papers to be furnished.
- 507-C - Restrictive placements.
- 507-D - Confinement of juvenile delinquents under sentence of the courts of the United States.
- 508 - Juvenile offender facilities.
- 509 - Transfers to state hospitals and schools in the department of mental hygiene.