Title 17 - (17-1701 - 17-1745) DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE INTO WATERS
- 17-1701 - Definition of sewage; discharge of sewage and other matter into certain waters prohibited.
- 17-1703 - Contamination of salt wells.
- 17-1704 - Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter from new or renovated wastewater disposal systems to the surface waters of the Owasco lake watershed ex
- 17-1705 - Discharge of sewage into Wallkill Creek prohibited.
- 17-1707 - Discharge of sewage into the Susquehanna near Binghamton prohibited.
- 17-1709 - Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Lake George and Skaneateles lake prohibited.
- 17-1710 - Deposit of garbage or other refuse on or in waters of the Owasco lake watershed extending from the city dam on the outlet to the existing Moravia vill
- 17-1711 - Deposit of garbage or other refuse on or in waters of Lake George and Skaneateles lake and their tributaries prohibited.
- 17-1713 - Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Brant Lake, Loon Lake, Friends Lake and Schroon Lake prohibited.
- 17-1715 - Discharge of sewage and other offensive matter into Oneida Lake prohibited.
- 17-1717 - Order to discontinue pollution of waters.
- 17-1719 - Actions by municipalities to prevent discharge of sewage into waters.
- 17-1721 - Reports of municipal authorities to local boards of health.
- 17-1723 - Reports of proprietors of industrial establishments.
- 17-1725 - Permission to discharge sewage.
- 17-1727 - Permission to discharge refuse or waste matter from industrial establishments.
- 17-1729 - Permits for conduit or discharge pipes.
- 17-1731 - Revocation or modification of permits.
- 17-1733 - Record of permits; inspection of local boards of health.
- 17-1735 - Violations; service of notice; actions.
- 17-1737 - Legal construction and limitations; riparian owners.
- 17-1739 - Repeal of provisions.
- 17-1741 - Sewerage; construction; villages.
- 17-1743 - Reporting of spills of liquids stored in bulk.
- 17-1745 - Sewage from vessels.