380.95 - Reporting convictions of certain school employees.

* § 380.95 Reporting convictions of certain school employees.    Upon  conviction  of  a  teacher,  as defined in subparagraph three of  paragraph b of subdivision seven-a of section three hundred five of  the  education  law, of a sex offense or sex offenses defined in subparagraph  two of paragraph b of subdivision seven-a of section three hundred  five  of  the  education  law,  the  district  attorney  or  other prosecuting  authority who obtained such conviction  shall  provide  notice  of  such  conviction  to the commissioner of education identifying the sex offense  or sex offenses of which the teacher has been convicted,  the  name  and  address of such offender and other identifying information prescribed by  the  commissioner  of  education, including the offender's date of birth  and social security number, to the extent consistent  with  federal  and  state   laws   governing   personal   privacy   and  confidentiality  of  information. Such district attorney or other prosecuting authority shall  include in such notice the name and business address of  the  offender's  counsel of record in the criminal proceeding.    * NB There are 2 § 380.95's