Article 380 - (380.10 - 380.95*2) SENTENCING IN GENERAL
- 380.10 - Applicability.
- 380.20 - Sentence required.
- 380.30 - Time for pronouncing sentence.
- 380.40 - Defendant's presence at sentencing.
- 380.50 - Statements at time of sentence.
- 380.60 - Authority for the execution of sentence.
- 380.70 - Minutes of sentence.
- 380.80 - Reporting sentence to social services.
- 380.85 - Reporting sentences to office of professional medical conduct; licensed physician, physician assistant, or specialist assistant.
- 380.90 - Reporting sentences to schools.
- 380.95 - Reporting convictions of certain school employees.
- 380.95*2 - Reporting convictions of certain school employees.