120.60 - Warrant of arrest; what police officers may execute.

§ 120.60  Warrant of arrest; what police officers may execute.    1.    A warrant of arrest may be executed by (a) any police officer to  whom it is addressed, or (b)  any  other  police  officer  delegated  to  execute it under circumstances prescribed in subdivisions two and three.    2.    A  police  officer  to whom a warrant of arrest is addressed may  delegate another officer to whom it is not  addressed  to  execute  such  warrant as his agent when:    (a)    He  has  reasonable cause to believe that the defendant is in a  particular county other than the one in which the warrant is returnable;  and    (b)  The warrant is, pursuant to section 120.70,  executable  in  such  other county without endorsement by a local criminal court thereof; and    (c)    The  geographical  area  of  employment of the delegated police  officer embraces the locality where the arrest is to be made.    3.   Under circumstances specified  in  subdivision  two,  the  police  officer  to  whom  the  warrant  is  addressed  may inform the delegated  officer, by telecommunication, mail or any other means, of the  issuance  of  the  warrant,  of  the  offense charged in the underlying accusatory  instrument and of all other pertinent details, and may  request  him  to  act  as  his  agent in arresting the defendant pursuant to such warrant.  Upon such request, the delegated police officer is to the same extent as  the delegating officer, authorized to make such arrest pursuant  to  the  warrant  within  the  geographical  area  of  such  delegated  officer's  employment.   Upon so  arresting  the  defendant,  he  must  proceed  as  provided in subdivisions two and four of section 120.90.