Article 120 - (120.10 - 120.90) WARRANT OF ARREST
- 120.10 - Warrant of arrest; definition, function, form and content.
- 120.20 - Warrant of arrest; when issuable.
- 120.30 - Warrant of arrest; by what courts issuable and in what courts returnable.
- 120.40 - Warrant of arrest; attaching accusatory instrument to warrant of town court, village court or city court.
- 120.50 - Warrant of arrest; to what police officers addressed.
- 120.55 - Warant of arrest; defendent under parole or probation supervision.
- 120.60 - Warrant of arrest; what police officers may execute.
- 120.70 - Warrant of arrest; where executable.
- 120.80 - Warrant of arrest; when and how executed.
- 120.90 - Warrant of arrest; procedure after arrest.