Section 12-A:1-b General Provisions.

   I. Upon the recommendation of the commissioner of resources and economic development after consultation with division directors concerned and the advisory commission established by this chapter, the governor and council are authorized to approve revisions in internal administrative departmental organization as the governor and council find from time to time may improve or make more economical the administration of the department; provided, however, no such change shall eliminate any then existing position within the classified service unless such position shall then be vacant, or, if filled, its incumbent has been transferred to an equivalent or higher paid position of like tenure.
   II. With the approval of the governor and council and of the director of personnel the commissioner of resources and economic development after consultation with directors of divisions concerned and the advisory commission is authorized to transfer classified personnel, appropriations or portions thereof relating thereto as well as necessary equipment, within any division or between divisions of the department; provided, however, that no such transfer shall eliminate classified positions so transferred. Vacancies in classified positions occurring after July 1, 1961, in any department functions to be transferred to the new department of resources and economic development shall not be filled without the approval of the governor and council, provided that after written notification of vacancies to be filled are received by the governor and council from department directors, and if no action is taken on these requests within thirty days, the director of the division concerned may fill such vacancy or vacancies forthwith. No permanent classified employee in the state service upon the effective date of this act shall be required to take an examination to remain in his position. The authority of the governor and council to approve the filling of vacancies in the classified service after July 1, 1961 as hereinabove provided, shall terminate as of June 30, 1963.

Source. 1961, 223:2. 1986, 12:4, I, eff. March 27, 1986.