- Section 12-A:1 Establishment.
- Section 12-A:1-a Declaration of Purpose.
- Section 12-A:1-b General Provisions.
- Section 12-A:1-c Powers and Duties of Department of Resources and Economic Development.
- Section 12-A:1-d Police Powers.
- Section 12-A:1-e Joint Promotional Program.
- Section 12-A:2 Commissioner of Resources and Economic Development.
- Section 12-A:2-a Print Shop Operation.
- Section 12-A:2-b Harbor Masters, Mooring Permits and Fees.
- Section 12-A:2-c Rulemaking.
- Section 12-A:2-d Reports and Publications.
- Section 12-A:2-e New Hampshire Economic Development Fund.
- Section 12-A:2-f Review Committee.
- Section 12-A:2-g New Hampshire-Canadian Trade Council.
- Section 12-A:2-h International Trade Promotion.
- Section 12-A:2-i Multiple Use Management of White Mountain National Forest Land.
- Section 12-A:2-j Workforce Development.
- Section 12-A:3 Directors of Divisions.
- Section 12-A:4 Salaries.
- Section 12-A:4-c Assistant to the Commissioner; Position Established.
- Section 12-A:4-d Financial Counselor; Position Established.
- Section 12-A:5 Advisory Commission Established.
- Section 12-A:5-a Limitations on Membership of Resources and Development Advisory Commission.
- Section 12-A:6 Advisory Commission; Duties.
- Section 12-A:7 Planning and Development Commission Abolished; Transfer of Functions and Powers, Tenure.
- Section 12-A:7-a Bureau of Marine Services.
- Section 12-A:8 Forestry and Recreation Commission Abolished; Transfer of Functions and Powers, Tenure.
- Section 12-A:8-a Division of Resources Development; Transfer of Functions, Powers, Duties.
- Section 12-A:9 Director of Resources Development; Initial Appointment and Tenure.
- Section 12-A:9-a Director of Forests and Lands, State Forester; Initial Appointment and Tenure.
- Section 12-A:9-b Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Citizens Committee.
- Section 12-A:9-c Nash Stream Forest Citizens Committee.
- Section 12-A:10 Director of Parks; Initial Appointment and Tenure.
- Section 12-A:10-a Division of Parks; Transfer of Functions, Powers, Duties.
- Section 12-A:10-b Director of Parks and Recreation; Initial Appointment and Tenure.
- Section 12-A:10-c Rewards.
- Section 12-A:10-d Bureau of Historic Sites Established.
- Section 12-A:10-e Duties of the Bureau of Historic Sites.
- Section 12-A:10-f State Historic Sites Fund Established.
- Section 12-A:11 Water Resources Board; Transfer as an Entity.
- Section 12-A:12 New Hampshire State Port Authority; Transfer as an Entity.
- Section 12-A:13 Northern County Area Industrial Agent.
- Section 12-A:14 Industrial Agent for Areas of Unemployment.
- Section 12-A:15 Package Plan Programs.
- Section 12-A:15-a Travel and Tourism Revolving Fund.
- Section 12-A:16 Area Industrial Agents-at-Large.
- Section 12-A:17 Park Land in Town of Rye.
- Section 12-A:18 Coordination of Program.
- Section 12-A:19 Definitions.
- Section 12-A:20 Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
- Section 12-A:21 Duties.
- Section 12-A:22 Director of Economic Development; Duties.
- Section 12-A:22-a Economic Development Advisory Council.
- Section 12-A:23 New Hampshire Tourism Policy.
- Section 12-A:24 State Ski Operations.
- Section 12-A:25 Marketing and Ski Service Administrator; Mountain Manager.
- Section 12-A:26 Duties.
- Section 12-A:27 Field Purchase Limits.
- Section 12-A:28 Transfers Authorized; Ski Areas.
- Section 12-A:29 Rate Differentials.
- Section 12-A:29-a Lease Agreement; Terms.
- Section 12-A:29-b Cannon Mountain Advisory Commission.
- Section 12-A:29-c Cannon Mountain Capital Improvement Fund.
- Section 12-A:30 Advisory Committee on International Trade.
- Section 12-A:31 International Trade Promotion Fund.
- Section 12-A:32 Economic Development Matching Grants Program.
- Section 12-A:33 Reports on Economic Development Program Loans and Grants.
- Section 12-A:34 Review of Reports Required.
- Section 12-A:35 Limitation.
- Section 12-A:36 Small Business Innovation Research Support.
- Section 12-A:37 Recognition of Federal Grant Recipients.
- Section 12-A:38 Matching Grants.
- Section 12-A:39 Seminars.
- Section 12-A:40 Grant Information.
- Section 12-A:41 Commission Established; Members; Duties.
- Section 12-A:41-a Commission Established; Members; Duties.
- Section 12-A:42 Rulemaking.
- Section 12-A:43 Director of Travel and Tourism Development; Duties.
- Section 12-A:43-a Travel and Tourism Development Fund.
- Section 12-A:44 Advisory Committee on Travel and Tourism.
- Section 12-A:45 Telecommunications Planning and Development Initiative.
- Section 12-A:45-a Telecommunications Planning and Development Fund.
- Section 12-A:46 Telecommunications Planning and Development Advisory Committee.
- Section 12-A:47 Telecommunications; Statutory Construction.
- Section 12-A:48 Authority of Director to Acquire Information.
- Section 12-A:49 Confidentiality.
- Section 12-A:50 Reporting Requirement.
- Section 12-A:51 Program Established.
- Section 12-A:52 Purpose.
- Section 12-A:53 Training Programs.
- Section 12-A:54 Administration; Review Committee.
- Section 12-A:55 Eligibility for Training Grants.
- Section 12-A:56 Eligible Costs.
- Section 12-A:57 Training Facilities.
- Section 12-A:58 Performance; Report.
- Section 12-A:59 Technology Development and Telecommunications Planning.
- Section 12-A:60 Director of Broadband Technology Planning and Development.
- Section 12-A:60-1 New Hampshire Workforce Opportunity Council.
- Section 12-A:61 New Hampshire Workforce Opportunity Fund.