- 703.150 - General duties.
- 703.151 - Duties of Commission in adopting regulations relating to provision of electric service.
- 703.152 - Legislative findings on cost of energy in Nevada; Commission authorized to represent State in matters affecting development, transmission, use or cost of energy in Nevada.
- 703.153 - Commission may agree to conduct inspections to ensure compliance with federal statutes and regulations governing safety of storage facilities and interstate pipelines.
- 703.154 - Regulations to ensure safe operation and maintenance of storage facilities and intrastate pipelines; Commission has final authority to regulate such facilities and pipelines; administrative
- 703.1545 - Commission authorized to participate in federal program of safety relating to railroads.
- 703.160 - Place of session or hearing.
- 703.164 - Employment of legal counsel; duties of Attorney General and district attorneys.
- 703.168 - Cooperation with federal and state agencies.
- 703.172 - Division of Consumer Complaint Resolution: Establishment; duties.
- 703.175 - Request from certain regulatory agencies to disconnect telephone number: Commission to issue order to appropriate provider of service; good faith compliance with order constitutes complete d