395.050 - Transportation of person with disability; State to pay for provision of special education program and related services.
395.050 Transportation of person with disability; State to pay for provision of special education program and related services.
1. When arrangements for the provision of a special education program and related services to a person with a disability have been completed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Superintendent shall advise the board of trustees of the school district to make provision, at the expense of the school district, for transporting the person with a disability to a place designated by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall make necessary arrangements for transporting the person with a disability from the designated place to the institution, foster home or other residential facility and return to the designated place at the expense of the State.
2. The provision of a special education program and related services to a person with a disability pursuant to this chapter must be paid by the State without any charge to the person with a disability or to a parent, guardian or other person having the care, custody or control of the person with a disability.
[469:32:1956]—(NRS A 1963, 327; 1969, 281; 1973, 1138; 1977, 372; 1979, 1637; 1991, 2130; 1993, 2165; 1995, 962)